Internal Task Gateway#

Kubernetes (K8s) Gateway APIs allow us to expose otherwise internal Determined jobs running on remote Kubernetes (K8s) clusters to Determined master and proxies. This is useful for multi-resource manager setups.

The overall setup includes installing and configuring a Gateway controller in the Kubernetes (K8s) cluster external to Determined and configuring the Determined master to use the Gateway controller. Please refer to the sections below to see the configuration changes and controller requirements.


Enabling this feature exposes Determined tasks to the outside world. It is crucial to implement appropriate security measures to restrict access to exposed tasks and secure communication between the external cluster and the main cluster. Recommended measures include:

  • Setting up a firewall

  • Using a VPN

  • Implementing IP whitelisting

  • Configuring Kubernetes Network Policies

  • Employing other security measures as needed

  • Some tasks including JupyterLab notebooks and shells already have secure transport built-in.

  • Since TensorBoards do not use TLS, you should consider a tunneling solution.


  • Proxying to multi-node trials is not supported. Currently this only includes experiments running

    distributed training that want to manually expose proxies to the outside world.

Controller Support - Requirements#

High-level requirements from the controller implementations are:

  • Supports Gateway APIs > v1

  • Supports TCPRoute and level 4 routing support

Take a look at our current survey of the existing implementations here: Gateway API Implementations

In these docs, we’ll be using Contour from Project Contour.

Sample Setup - Development#

For internal testing and development, we provide a simple setup script that uses a dynamic provisioner provided by Project Contour.

On a local dev machine, you can use Minikube and Contour as the controller. We provide a script to simplify the process. This can be found in tools/k8s/

After you have a working Kubernetes (K8s) cluster and a Gateway controller running, configure the resource manager via master config and start the Determined cluster.


This section describes how to configure your cluster and Determined master to use the Internal Task Gateway.

  • Total active proxies will be limited by: maxItems set in the Gateway CRD and the portRange configured for Determined (not exhaustive).

Master Configuration#

To configure the optional InternalTaskGateway for a Kubernetes resource manager, add a struct under internal_task_gateway key under each desired resource manager configurations.

The config is shown below.

  # GatewayName as defined in the k8s cluster.
  gateway_name: <GatewayName>

  # GatewayNamespace as defined in the k8s cluster.
  gateway_namespace: <GatewayNamespace>

  # GatewayIP as defined in the k8s cluster.
  # GatewayIP can also be a hostname if that is easier for your setup.
  gateway_ip: <GatewayIP>

  # GWPortStart denotes the inclusive start of the available and exclusive port range to
  # MLDE for InternalTaskGateway.
  gateway_port_range_start: <GWPortStart>

  # GWPortEnd denotes the inclusive end of the available and exclusive port range to
  # MLDE for InternalTaskGateway.
  gateway_port_range_end: <GWPortEnd>
  • Valid port range starts from 1025 to 65535, inclusive.

  • GatewayIP is the IP address of the Gateway controller that is visible to the Determined master.


In the CRD defines a max limit of how many listeners can be active on a single gateway. This limit sets the upper bound on how many tasks can be actively proxied. By default this limit is only 64.

Note that when configuring this number you might hit Kubernetes (K8s) validation complexity thresholds checks. This can be configured and is dependent on each Kubernetes (K8s) cluster’s requirements and setup.

For example to up the number from allowed listeners to 128, you can modify the CRD at the given path above and kubectl apply -f <path-to-crd>. Make sure to set the value for the version of the spec that your Gateway API is going to use.

Running Determined Outside of the K8s Cluster#

If you’re running Determined outside of the Kubernetes (K8s) cluster, for example on your local machine for testing and development, it’s possible to test this feature using just a single Kubernetes (K8s) cluster. All that is needed is for Determined master to be sitting external to the target cluster.

For allowing Determined tasks to connect to master that’s running locally on your machine, you can use services like ngrok or a reverse SSH tunnel if you have access to a public IP like so: ssh -R 8080:localhost:8080 aws-dev.prv -N -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=10