Workspaces and Projects#

You can organized your experiments into projects and workspaces. A project is a collection of experiments, and a workspace is a collection of projects. Experiment Configuration specifies the location of a newly created experiment. If a workspace and project are not specified, the experiment is created in the default, Uncategorized project. Experiments can be moved between projects, and projects can be moved between workspaces.

Getting Started#

Initially, a Determined installation has one workspace containing one project, both titled Uncategorized. Both are considered immutable, which means that they cannot be renamed, archived, or deleted, and the project cannot be moved to a different workspace. However, you can move an experiment into or out of an Uncategorized project at any time.

To create workspaces and projects for individuals or teams who are using Determined, use det workspace create and det project create. This is recommended for larger teams.

det workspace create <workspace name>
det project create <workspace name> <project name>



After signing in, the dashboard displays. This is the default landing page for the WebUI. The dashboard is where you’ll find the most recently submitted jobs and your recently viewed projects.

Selecting the navigation sidebar Workspaces button opens the Workspaces List page. This page displays all workspaces that currently exist on a cluster.

Selecting the icon in the upper right corner of a workspace card displays the action menu. The action menu always contains the option to pin a workspace, which creates an easy access link to the workspace on the sidebar. If the workspace was created by the currently signed-in user, or if the current user is an administrator, the action menu also provides the options to edit the workspace name, archive the workspace, or delete the workspace. Deleting a workspace is permanent and also deletes all projects contained within it. A workspace cannot be deleted if its projects contain experiments.

Selecting a workspace card opens the Workspace Details page. This page shows all currently selected workspace projects. If a project was created by the currently signed-in user, or if the current user is an administrator, click the icon in the upper right corner of the project card to bring up another action menu. This action menu contains the options to edit the project name and description, move the project to a different workspace, archive the project, or delete the project if it does not contain experiments.

Selecting a project card opens the Project Details page. This page shows the experiments that currently exist for the selected project. The Notes tab lets you create, read, edit, and delete notes about the selected project.


In the CLI, use the det workspace and det project commands to interact with workspaces and projects. Use the -h flag to get a list of all possible commands.

det workspace -h
det project -h