Core API User Guide#

This guide will help you get up and running with the Core API.

Visit the API reference

det.core API Reference

In this user guide, we’ll show you how to adapt model training code to use the Core API. As an example, we’ll be working with the PyTorch MNIST model.


These step-by-step instructions walk you through modifying a script for the purpose of performing the following functions:

  • Report metrics

  • Report checkpoints

  • Perform a hyperparameter search

  • Perform distributed training

After completing the steps in this user guide, you will be able to:

  • Understand the minimum requirements for running an experiment

  • Modify a script and an experiment configuration file

  • Understand how to convert model code

  • Use the Core API to train a model



  • A Determined cluster


Step 1: Get the Tutorial Files & Run the Experiment#

To run an experiment, you need, at minimum, a script and an experiment configuration (YAML) file.

Create a new directory.

Access the tutorial files via the core_api_pytorch_mnist.tgz download link or directly from the Github repository. These scripts have already been modified to fit the steps outlined in this tutorial.

In this initial step, we’ll run our experiment using the script and its accompanying const.yaml experiment configuration file.

CD into the directory and run this command:

det e create const.yaml . -f


det e create const.yaml . -f instructs Determined to follow the logs of the first trial that is created as part of the experiment. The command will stay active and display the live output from the logs of the first trial as it progresses.

Open the Determined WebUI by navigating to the master URL. One way to do this is to navigate to http://localhost:8080/, accept the default Determined username, leave the password empty, and then click Sign In.


This tutorial provides instructions for running a local distributed training job. Your setup may be different. For example, for instructions on how to run a remote distributed training job, visit the Quickstart for Model Developers.

In the WebUI, select your experiment. You’ll notice the tabs do not yet contain any information. In the next section, we’ll report training and validation metrics.

Step 2: Report Metrics#

To report training and validation metrics to the Determined master, we’ll add a few lines of code to our script. More specifically, we’ll create a Context object to allow interaction with the master. Then, we’ll pass the core_context as an argument into main(), train(), and test() and modify the function headers accordingly.

To run our experiment, we’ll use the script and its accompanying metrics.yaml experiment configuration file.


For this tutorial, we’ve already created the script for you. Take a moment to review the changes we’ve made to the provided script so that you’ll know how to modify your own script.

To run the experiment, you can either use the provided scripts, which have already been modified, or you can build your own file by making changes to “”.

Begin by importing Determined:

import determined as det

Step 2.1: Modify the Main Loop#

We’ll need a Context object for interacting with the master. To accomplish this, we’ll modify the __main__ loop to include core_context:


Refer to the if __name__ == "__main__": block in

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # NEW: Establish new determined.core.Context and pass to main
    # function.
    with det.core.init() as core_context:

Step 2.2: Modify the Train Method#

Use core_context.train to report training and validation metrics.

  1. Begin by importing the determined module:

# NEW: Report training metrics to Determined
# master via core_context.
# Index by (batch_idx + 1) * (epoch-1) * len(train_loader)
# to continuously plot loss on one graph for consecutive
# epochs.
    steps_completed=batches_completed + epoch_idx * len(train_loader),
    metrics={"train_loss": loss.item()},

and core_context.train.report_validation_metrics():

# NEW: Report validation metrics to Determined master
# via core_context.
    metrics={"test_loss": test_loss},

Step 2.3: Modify the Test Method#

Modify the test() function header to include args and other elements you’ll need during the evaluation loop. The args variable lets you pass configuration settings such as batch size and learning rate. In addition, pass the newly created core_context into both train() and test(). Passing core_context enables reporting of metrics to the Determined master.

# NEW: Pass core_context into train() and test().
train(args, model, device, train_loader, optimizer, epoch_idx, core_context)

# NEW: Pass args, test_loader, epoch, and steps_completed into
# test().

Create a steps_completed variable to plot metrics on a graph in the WebUI:

# NEW: Calculate steps_completed for plotting test metrics.
steps_completed = epoch_idx * len(train_loader)

Step 2.4: Run the Experiment#

Run the following command to run the experiment:

det e create metrics.yaml .

Open the Determined WebUI again and go to the Overview tab.

The WebUI now displays metrics. In this step, you learned how to add a few new lines of code in order to report training and validation metrics to the Determined master. Next, we’ll modify our script to report checkpoints.

Step 3: Checkpointing#

Checkpointing periodically during training and reporting the checkpoints to the master gives us the ability to stop and restart training. In this section, we’ll modify our script for the purpose of checkpointing.

In this step, we’ll run our experiment using the script and its accompanying checkpoints.yaml experiment configuration file.


For this tutorial, we’ve already created the script for you. Take a moment to review the changes we’ve made to the provided script so that you’ll know how to modify your own script.

To run the experiment, you can either use the provided scripts, which have already been modified, or you can build your own file by making changes to “”.

Step 3.1: Save Checkpoints#

To save checkpoints, add the store_path function to your script:

# NEW: Save checkpoint.
checkpoint_metadata_dict = {"steps_completed": steps_completed}

# NEW: Here we are saving multiple files to our checkpoint
# directory. 1) a model state file and 2) a file includes
# information about the training loop state.
with core_context.checkpoint.store_path(checkpoint_metadata_dict) as (path, storage_id):, path / "")
    with path.joinpath("state").open("w") as f:

Step 3.2: Continuations#

There are two types of continuations: pausing and reactivating training using the WebUI or clicking Continue Trial after the experiment completes.

These two types of continuations have different behaviors. While you always want to preserve the model’s state, you do not always want to preserve the batch index. When you pause and reactivate you want training to continue from the same batch index, but when starting a fresh experiment you want training to start with a fresh batch index. You can save the trial ID in the checkpoint and use it to distinguish the two types of continuations.

To distinguish between the two types of continuations, you can save the trial ID in the checkpoint.

Enable Pausing and Resuming an Experiment

To enable pausing an experiment, enable preemption:

# NEW: Detect when the experiment is paused by the WebUI.
if core_context.preempt.should_preempt():

Define a load_state function for restarting model training from existing checkpoint:

# NEW: Define load_state function for restarting model training from
# existing checkpoint. Returns (.pt, int).
# Also update load_state header to take trial info object as an argument.
def load_state(checkpoint_directory, trial_id):
    checkpoint_directory = pathlib.Path(checkpoint_directory)

    with checkpoint_directory.joinpath("").open("rb") as f:
        model = torch.load(f)
    with checkpoint_directory.joinpath("state").open("r") as f:
        epochs_completed, ckpt_trial_id = [int(field) for field in",")]
    # Docs snippet start: compare checkpoint and current trial IDs
    # If trial ID does not match our current trial ID, we'll ignore
    # epochs completed and start training from epoch_idx = 0
    if ckpt_trial_id != trial_id:
        epochs_completed = 0
    # Docs snippet end: compare checkpoint and current trial IDs

    return model, epochs_completed

If checkpoint exists, load it and assign it to model state prior to resuming training:

# NEW: If checkpoint exists, load it and assign it to model state
# prior to resuming training.
info = det.get_cluster_info()
assert info is not None, "this example only runs on-cluster"
latest_checkpoint = info.latest_checkpoint
if latest_checkpoint is None:
    epochs_completed = 0
    with core_context.checkpoint.restore_path(latest_checkpoint) as path:
        model, epochs_completed = load_state(path, info.trial.trial_id)

Enable Continuing the Trial

To enable continuing the trial after the experiment completes, save the trial ID. One way to do this is to load the checkpoint and save the checkpoint in a file in the checkpoint directory.

Open the file in binary mode and compare ckpt_trial_id with the current trial_id:

# If trial ID does not match our current trial ID, we'll ignore
# epochs completed and start training from epoch_idx = 0
if ckpt_trial_id != trial_id:
    epochs_completed = 0

Save the checkpoint in the file:

# NEW: Save checkpoint.
checkpoint_metadata_dict = {"steps_completed": steps_completed}

# NEW: Here we are saving multiple files to our checkpoint
# directory. 1) a model state file and 2) a file includes
# information about the training loop state.
with core_context.checkpoint.store_path(checkpoint_metadata_dict) as (path, storage_id):, path / "")
    with path.joinpath("state").open("w") as f:

Detect when the experiment is paused by the WebUI:

# NEW: Detect when the experiment is paused by the WebUI.
if core_context.preempt.should_preempt():

Step 3.3: Run the Experiment#

Run the following command to run the experiment:

det e create checkpoints.yaml . -f

In the Determined WebUI, nagivate to the Checkpoints tab.

Checkpoints are saved and deleted according to the default Checkpoint Policy. You can modify the checkpoint policy in the experiment configuration file.

Step 5: Distributed Training#

The Core API has special features for running distributed training. Some of the more important features are:

  • Access to all IP addresses of every node in the Trial (through the ClusterInfo API).

  • Communication primitives such as allgather(), gather(), and broadcast() to give you out-of-the-box coordination between workers.

  • Since many distributed training frameworks expect all workers in training to operate in-step, the should_preempt() call is automatically synchronized across workers so that all workers decide to preempt or continue as a unit.



Typically, you do not have to write your own launcher. Determined provides launchers for Horovod, torch.distributed, and DeepSpeed. For more information about launcher options, visit Submit Experiment.

In this example, we’ll be using PyTorch’s DistributedDataParallel. We’ll also need to make specific changes to our configuration experiment file.

In this step, we’ll run our experiment using the script and its accompanying distributed.yaml experiment configuration file.


For this tutorial, we’ve already created the script for you. Take a moment to review the changes we’ve made to the provided script so that you’ll know how to modify your own script.

To run the experiment, you can either use the provided scripts, which have already been modified, or you can build your own file by making changes to “”.

Step 5.1: Edit Your Experiment Configuration File#

Edit your experiment configuration file to point to a launch script:

entrypoint: >-
   python3 -m determined.launch.torch_distributed

and, set slots_per_trial (under resources) to the number of GPUs you want to distribute the training across:

  slots_per_trial: 4

Step 5.2: Modify Your Training Script#

Add a few more imports to your training script:

# NEW: Import torch distributed libraries.
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import StepLR
from import DistributedSampler
from torchvision import datasets, transforms

import determined as det

Initialize a process group using torch. After initializing a process group, initialize a Determined distributed context using from_torch_distributed:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # NEW: Initialize process group using torch.

    # NEW: Initialize distributed context using from_torch_distributed
    # (obtains info such as rank, size, etc. from default torch
    # environment variables).
    distributed = det.core.DistributedContext.from_torch_distributed()
    with det.core.init(distributed=distributed) as core_context:

In main, set your selected device to the device with index of local_rank. This is a best practice even if you only have a single GPU-per-node setup:


Refer to the if use_cuda: block in

    # NEW: Change selected device to the one with index of local_rank.
    device = torch.device(core_context.distributed.local_rank)
elif use_mps:
    device = torch.device("mps")
    device = torch.device("cpu")

Shard the data into num_replicas non-overlapping parts. num_replicas is equal to core_context.distributed.size, or the number of slots:

# NEW: Create DistributedSampler object for sharding data into
# core_context.distributed.size parts.
train_sampler = DistributedSampler(
test_sampler = DistributedSampler(

# NEW: Shard data.
train_loader =, sampler=train_sampler, **train_kwargs)
test_loader =, sampler=test_sampler, **test_kwargs)

Wrap your model with torch’s DistributedDataParallel:

model = Net(hparams).to(device)
# NEW: Wrap model with DDP. Aggregates gradients and synchronizes
# model training across slots.
model = DDP(model, device_ids=[device], output_device=device)

Finally, at each place in the code where you upload checkpoints, report training metrics, or report progress to the master, make sure this is done only on rank 0, e.g.,:

# NEW: Report metrics only on rank 0: only the chief worker
# may report training metrics and progress, or upload checkpoints.
if core_context.distributed.rank == 0:
        steps_completed=(batch_idx + 1) + epoch_idx * len(train_loader),
        metrics={"train_loss": loss.item()},

Step 5.3: Run the Experiment#

Run the following command to run the experiment:

det e create distributed.yaml .

In the Determined WebUI, go to the Cluster pane.

You should be able to see multiple slots active corresponding to the value you set for slots_per_trial you set in distributed.yaml, as well as logs appearing from multiple ranks.

Next Steps#

In this user guide, you learned how to use the Core API to integrate a model into Determined. You also saw how to modify a training script and use the appropriate configuration file to report metrics and checkpointing, perform a hyperparameter search, and run distributed training.


To learn more about distributed training with Determined, visit the conceptual overview or the intro to implementing distributed training.