Configuration Templates#

In a typical organization, many Determined configuration files will share similar settings. This can cause redundancy. For example, all training workloads run at a given organization might use the same checkpoint storage configuration. One way to reduce this redundancy is to use configuration templates. This feature allows users to consolidate settings shared across many experiments into a single YAML file that can be referenced by configurations needings those settings.

Each configuration template has a unique name and is stored by the Determined master. If a configuration employs a template, the effective configuration of the task will be the outcome of merging the two YAML files (the configuration file and the template). The semantics of this merge operation are described below. Determined stores this effective configuration to ensure future changes to a template do not affect the reproducibility of experiments that used a previous version of the configuration template.

A single configuration file can use at most one configuration template. A configuration template cannot itself use another configuration template.

Leveraging Templates to Simplify Experiment Configurations#

An experiment can adopt a configuration template by using the --template command-line option to denote the name of the desired template.

The following example demonstrates splitting an experiment configuration into a reusable template and a simplified configuration.

name: mnist_tf_const
  type: s3
  access_key: my-access-key
  secret_key: my-secret-key
  bucket: my-bucket-name
  training_data: train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
  training_labels: train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
  validation_set_size: 10000
  base_learning_rate: 0.001
  weight_cost: 0.0001
  global_batch_size: 64
  n_filters1: 40
  n_filters2: 40
  name: single
  metric: error
    batches: 500
  smaller_is_better: true

You may find that many experiments share the same values for the checkpoint_storage field, leading to redundancy. To reduce the redundancy you could use a configuration template. For example, consider the following template:

description: template-tf-gpu
  type: s3
  access_key: my-access-key
  secret_key: my-secret-key
  bucket: my-bucket-name

The experiment configuration for this experiment can then be written using the following code:

description: mnist_tf_const
  training_data: train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
  training_labels: train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
  validation_set_size: 10000
  base_learning_rate: 0.001
  weight_cost: 0.0001
  global_batch_size: 64
  n_filters1: 40
  n_filters2: 40
  name: single
  metric: error
    batches: 500
  smaller_is_better: true

To launch the experiment with the template:

$ det experiment create --template template-tf-gpu mnist_tf_const.yaml <model_code>

Managing Templates through the CLI#

The Determined command-line interface provides tools for managing configuration templates including listing, creating, updating, and deleting templates. This functionality can be accessed through the det template sub-command. This command can be abbreviated as det tpl.

To list all the templates stored in Determined, use det template list. To show additional details, use the -d or --detail option.

$ det tpl list

To create or update a template, use det tpl set template_name template_file.

$ cat > template-s3-keras-gpu.yaml << EOL
description: template-s3-keras-gpu
  type: s3
  access_key: my-access-key
  secret_key: my-secret-key
  bucket: my-bucket-name
$ det tpl set template-s3-keras-gpu template-s3-keras-gpu.yaml
Set template template-s3-keras-gpu

Merge Behavior#

To demonstrate merge behavior when merging a template and a configuration, let’s say we have a template that specifies top-level fields a and b, and a configuration that specifies fields b and c. The resulting merged configuration will have fields a, b, and c. The value for field a will simply be the value set in the template. Likewise, the value for field c will be whatever was specified in the configuration. The final value for field b, however, depends on the value’s type:

  • If the field specifies a scalar value, the configuration’s value will take precedence in the merged configuration (overriding the template’s value).

  • If the field specifies a list value, the merged value will be the concatenation of the list specified in the template and the one specified in the configuration.


    There are certain exceptions for bind_mounts and resources.devices. There could be situations where both the original config and the template will attempt to mount to the same container_path, resulting in an unstable configuration. In such scenarios, the original configuration is preferred, and the conflicting bind mount or device from the template is omitted in the merged result.

  • If the field specifies an object value, the resulting value will be the object generated by recursively applying this merging algorithm to both objects.