Install Determined Using Windows Subsystem for Linux (Windows)#

This user guide provides step-by-step instructions for installing Determined on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). You have two options for installation: using the Debian or RPM packages provided by Determined, or using Docker containers published by Determined with Docker Desktop. In this user guide, we’ll focus on achieving a single-machine installation of Determined, with both the master and agent running on the same machine within WSL.




  • Windows 10 version 1903, or later. Recommended: Windows 11 version 22H2.

  • Windows Terminal.

Enable systemd#

Edit the configuration file to enable systemd within your WSL distribution. To do this:

  • Open a terminal window in your WSL distribution.

  • Add systemd=true to the [boot] section of /etc/wsl.conf in your WSL distribution:

    echo '[boot]' >> /etc/wsl.conf && echo 'systemd=true' >> /etc/wsl.conf
  • Then restart your WSL distribution:

    wsl --shutdown <distribution name>

Install using Debian or RPM packages#

This section provides instructions for installing Determined on WSL using Debian or RPM packages.

Install PostgreSQL using apt or yum#

Since Determined uses a PostgreSQL database to store experiment and trial metadata, start by installing PostgreSQL. You’ll need PostgreSQL 10 or later.

Debian Distributions

On Debian distributions, use the following command:

sudo apt install postgresql

Red Hat Distributions

On Red Hat distributions, you’ll need to configure the PostgreSQL yum repository as described in the Red Hat Linux documentation. Then, install version 10:

sudo yum install postgresql-server -y
sudo postgresql-setup initdb
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
sudo systemctl enable postgresql.service

The authentication methods enabled by default may vary depending on the provider of your PostgreSQL distribution. To enable the determined-master to connect to the database, ensure that an appropriate authentication method is configured in the pg_hba.conf file.

When configuring the database connection in Configure and Start the Cluster, note the following:

  • If you specify the db.hostname property, you must use a PostgreSQL host (TCP/IP) connection.

  • If you omit the db.hostname property, you must use a PostgreSQL local (Unix-domain socket) connection.

Finally, create a database for Determined’s use and configure a system account that Determined will use to connect to the database.

For example, executing the following commands will create a database named determined, create a user named determined with the password determined-password, and grant the user access to the database:

sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE determined;
postgres=# CREATE USER determined WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'determined-password';
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE determined TO determined;

Install the Determined Master and Agent#

To find the latest release of Determined, visit the Determined repo.

Download the appropriate Debian or RPM package file, which will have the name determined-master_VERSION_linux_amd64.[deb|rpm] (where VERSION is the actual version, e.g., 0.24.0). Similarly, the agent package is named determined-agent_VERSION_linux_amd64.[deb|rpm].

Install the master and agent package on one machine.

Debian Distributions

On Debian distributions, use the following command:

sudo apt install <path to downloaded package>

Red Hat Distributions

On Red Hat distributions, use the following command:

sudo rpm -i <path to downloaded package>

Before running the Determined agent, install Docker on each agent machine.


If you are not using Docker Desktop, you may disregard the prompt to use Docker Desktop and allow Docker to be installed within the WSL distribution.

Configure and Start the Cluster#

Ensure that an instance of PostgreSQL is running and accessible from the machine where the Determined master will run.

To start the Determined master, you’ll need to first edit the master and agent configuration files.

Edit the YAML configuration files at /etc/determined/master.yaml (for the master) and /etc/determined/agent.yaml (for the agent) as appropriate for your setup.


Ensure that the user, password, and database name correspond to your PostgreSQL configuration.

In /etc/determined/master.yaml:

  host: localhost
  port: <PostgreSQL port, e.g., 5432 by default>
  name: <Database name, e.g., determined>
  user: <PostgreSQL user, e.g., postgres>
  password: <Database password>

In /etc/determined/agent.yaml:

master_host: localhost
master_port: <Master port, e.g., 8080 by default>

Start the master by typing the following command:

sudo systemctl start determined-master


You can also run the master directly using the command determined-master. This may be useful when experimenting with Determined such as when you want to quickly test different configuration options before writing them to the configuration file.

Optionally, you can configure the master to start upon launching the WSL distro by using the following command:

sudo systemctl enable determined-master

Verify that the master started successfully by viewing the log.

journalctl -u determined-master

You should see logs indicating that the master can successfully connect to the database, and the last line should indicate http server started on the configured WebUI port (8080 by default). You can also validate that the WebUI is running by navigating to http://<master>:8080 with your web browser (or https://<master>:8443 if TLS is enabled). You should see No Agents on the right side of the top navigation bar.

Start the agent on each agent machine.

sudo systemctl start determined-agent

Similarly, the agent can be run with the command determined-agent.

Optionally, you can configure the agent to start upon launching the WSL distro by using the following command:

sudo systemctl enable determined-agent

Verify that each agent started successfully by viewing the log.

journalctl -u determined-agent

You should see logs indicating that the agent started successfully, detected compute devices, and connected to the master. On the Determined WebUI, you should now see slots available, both on the right-hand side of the top navigation bar and if you select the Cluster view in the left-hand navigation panel.

Launch the Determined WebUI from within WSL.

powershell.exe /C start http://localhost:8080

The Determined WebUI opens in your browser.

Install using Docker Desktop#

This section provides instructions for installing Determined on WSL using Docker Desktop.

Install Docker Desktop#

Install Docker Desktop on Windows.

Ensure the Docker daemon is reachable from your WSL distribution.

Open the Settings dialog from the Docker Desktop tray icon, and select Resources. Under WSL Integration, select Enable integration with my default WSL distro, and enable integration for the WSL distribution where you will be working with Determined.

Pull the PostgreSQL Image#

Pull the official Docker image for PostgreSQL. We recommend using the version listed below.

docker pull postgres:10

This image is not provided by Determined AI. For more information, visit its Docker Hub page.

Pull the Determined AI Image#

Pull the Docker image for the master or agent on each machine where these services will run. There is a single master container running in a Determined cluster and typically there is one agent container running on a given machine. A single machine can host both the master container and an agent container.

To run the commands below, replace VERSION with a valid Determined version, such as the current version, 0.24.0:

docker pull determinedai/determined-master:VERSION
docker pull determinedai/determined-agent:VERSION

Start the Cluster#

The cluster can now be started, first by starting the database, then by launching the Determined master and agent containers.

Start the PostgreSQL Container#

To start the PostgreSQL container, use the following command. Replace <DB password> with the password you would like to use for the database:

docker run \
    --name determined-db \
    -p 5432:5432 \
    -v determined_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
    -e POSTGRES_DB=determined \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<DB password> \

Obtain the WSL IP Address#

To allow Determined to reach the PostgreSQL container, you will need to determine the IP address.

Run the following command to determine the IP address of the WSL distribution and store it as an environment variable:

export WSL_IP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')

Start the Determined Master#

To start the master container, run the following command, replacing <DB password> with the database password:

Optionally, you may now launch the Determined WebUI from within WSL:

powershell.exe /C start http://localhost:8080

Start the Determined Agent#

To start the agent container, run the following command:

docker run \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    --name determined-agent \
    -e DET_MASTER_PORT=8080 \

Optionally, you may now launch the Determined WebUI from within WSL to verify the agent is running and connected:

powershell.exe /c start http://$WSLIP:8080/det/clusters

Determined internally makes use of Fluent Bit. The agent uses the fluent/fluent-bit:1.9.3 Docker image at runtime. It will attempt to pull the image automatically. If the agent machines in the cluster are not able to connect to Docker Hub, you must manually place the image onto the agent machines in the cluster before Determined can run. To specify a different image to use for running Fluent Bit (generally to make use of a custom Docker registry—the image should not normally need to be changed otherwise), use the agent’s --fluent-logging-image command-line option or fluent_logging_image config file option.

To ensure proper GPU access for the agent container, use the --gpus flag to specify the GPUs. Failure to include this flag will result in the agent not having access to any GPUs. For example:

# Use all GPUs.
docker run --gpus all ...
# Use any four GPUs (selected by Docker).
docker run --gpus 4 ...
# Use the GPUs with the given IDs or UUIDs.
docker run --gpus '"device=1,3"' ...

You can also disable and enable GPUs at runtime using the det slot disable and det slot enable CLI commands, respectively.

Manage the Cluster#

By default, docker run runs in the foreground. You can stop a container simply by pressing Control-C. If you wish to keep Determined running for the long term, consider running the containers detached and/or with restart policies. You can also use the deployment tool.