

There are occasionally incompatible changes introduced in new versions of Determined – for example, the format of the master and agent configuration files might change. While we try to preserve backward compatibility whenever possible, you should read the Release Notes for a description of recent changes before upgrading Determined.

Upgrading an existing Determined installation requires the same steps as installing Determined for the first time. Before starting an upgrade, first follow the steps below to safely shut down the cluster. Once the upgrade is complete and Determined is restarted, all suspended experiments will be resumed automatically.

  1. Disable all Determined agents in the cluster:

    det -m <MASTER_ADDRESS> agent disable --all

    where MASTER_ADDRESS is the IP address or host name where the Determined master can be found. This will cause all tasks running on those agents to be checkpointed and terminated. The checkpoint process might take some time to complete; you can monitor which tasks are still running via det slot list.

  2. Take a backup of the Determined database using pg_dump. This is a safety precaution in case any problems occur after upgrading Determined.

All users should also upgrade the CLI by running

pip install --upgrade determined