Master Configuration Reference

The Determined master supports a range of configuration settings that can be set via a YAML configuration file, environment variables, or command-line options. The configuration file is normally located at /etc/determined/master.yaml on the master and is read when the master starts.

The configuration of an active master can be examined using the Determined CLI with the command det master config.

The master supports the following configuration settings:

  • config_file: Path to the master configuration file. Normally this should only be set via an environment variable or command-line option. Defaults to /etc/determined/master.yaml.

  • port: The TCP port on which the master accepts incoming connections. If TLS has been enabled, defaults to 8443; otherwise defaults to 8080.

  • task_container_defaults: Specifies Docker defaults for all task containers. A task represents a single schedulable unit, such as a trial, command, or tensorboard.

    • shm_size_bytes: The size (in bytes) of /dev/shm for Determined task containers. Defaults to 4294967296.

    • network_mode: The Docker network to use for the Determined task containers. If this is set to host, Docker host-mode networking will be used instead. Defaults to bridge.

    • dtrain_network_interface: The network interface to use during Introduction to Distributed Training. If not set, Determined automatically determines the network interface to use.

      When training a model with multiple machines, the host network interface used by each machine must have the same interface name across machines. The network interface to use can be determined automatically, but there may be issues if there is an interface name common to all machines but it is not routable between machines. Determined already filters out common interfaces like lo and docker0, but agent machines may have others. If interface detection is not finding the appropriate interface, the dtrain_network_interface option can be used to set it explicitly (e.g., eth11).

    • cpu_pod_spec: Defines the default pod spec which will be applied to all CPU-only tasks when running on Kubernetes. See Customize a Pod for details.

    • gpu_pod_spec: Defines the default pod spec which will be applied to all GPU tasks when running on Kubernetes. See Customize a Pod for details.

    • image: Defines the default docker image to use when executing the workload. If a docker image is specified in the experiment config this default is overriden. This image must be accessible via docker pull to every Determined agent machine in the cluster. Users can configure different container images for NVIDIA GPU tasks using the cuda key (gpu prior to 0.17.6), CPU tasks using cpu key, and ROCm (AMD GPU) tasks using the rocm key. Default values:

      • determinedai/environments:cuda-11.3-pytorch-1.10-tf-2.8-gpu-0.19.10 for NVIDIA GPUs.

      • determinedai/environments:rocm-5.0-pytorch-1.10-tf-2.7-rocm-0.19.10 for ROCm.

      • determinedai/environments:py-3.8-pytorch-1.10-tf-2.8-cpu-0.19.10 for CPUs.

    • environment_variables: A list of environment variables that will be set in every task container. Each element of the list should be a string of the form NAME=VALUE. See Environment Variables for more details. Environment variables specified in experiment config will override default values specified here. Users can customize environment variables for CUDA (NVIDIA GPU), CPU, and ROCm (AMD GPU) tasks differently by specifying a dict with cuda (gpu prior to 0.17.6), cpu, and rocm keys.

    • force_pull_image: Defines the default policy for forcibly pulling images from the docker registry and bypassing the docker cache. If a pull policy is specified in the experiment config this default value is overriden. Please note that as of November 1st, 2020 unauthenticated users will be capped at 100 pulls from Docker per 6 hours. Defaults to false.

    • registry_auth: Defines the default docker registry credentials to use when pulling a custom base docker image, if needed. If credentials are specified is in the experiment config this default value is overriden. Credentials are specified as the following nested fields:

      • username (required)

      • password (required)

      • serveraddress (required)

      • email (optional)

    • add_capabilities: The default list of Linux capabilities to grant to task containers. Ignored by resource managers of type kubernetes. See environment.add_capabilities for more details.

    • drop_capabilities: Just like add_capabilities but for dropping capabilities.

    • devices: The default list of devices to pass to the Docker daemon. Ignored by resource managers of type kubernetes. See resources.devices for more details.

    • bind_mounts: The default bind mounts to pass to the Docker container. Ignored by resource managers of type kubernetes. See resources.devices for more details.

    • slurm: Additional Slurm options when launching trials with sbatch. See environment.slurm for more details.

    • pbs: Additional PBS options when launching trials with qsub. See environment.pbs for more details.

  • root: Specifies the root directory of the state files. Defaults to /usr/share/determined/master.

  • cache: Configuration for file cache.

    • cache_dir: Specifies the root directory for file cache. Defaults to /var/cache/determined. Note that the master would break on startup if it does not have access to create this default directory.

  • cluster_name (optional): Specify a human readable name for this cluster.

  • tensorboard_timeout: Specifies the duration in seconds before idle TensorBoard instances are automatically terminated. A TensorBoard instance is considered to be idle if it does not receive any HTTP traffic. The default timeout is 300 (5 minutes).

  • notebook_timeout: Specifies the duration in seconds before idle notebook instances are automatically terminated. A notebook instance is considered to be idle if it is not receiving any HTTP traffic and it is not otherwise active (as defined by the notebook_idle_type option in the task configuration). Defaults to null, i.e. disabled.

  • resource_manager: The resource manager to use to acquire resources. Defaults to agent.

    • type: agent: The agent resource manager includes static and dynamic agents.

      • scheduler: Specifies how Determined schedules tasks to agents on resource pools. If a resource pool is specified with an individual scheduler configuration, that will override the default scheduling behavior specified here. For more on scheduling behavior in Determined, see Scheduling.

        • type: The scheduling policy to use when allocating resources between different tasks (experiments, notebooks, etc.). Defaults to fair_share.

          • fair_share: Tasks receive a proportional amount of the available resources depending on the resource they require and their weight.

          • round_robin: Tasks are scheduled in the order which they arrive at the cluster.

          • priority: Tasks are scheduled based on their priority, which can range from the values 1 to 99 inclusive. Lower priority numbers indicate higher priority tasks. A lower priority task will never be scheduled while a higher priority task is pending. Zero-slot tasks (e.g., CPU-only notebooks, tensorboards) are prioritized separately from tasks requiring slots (e.g., experiments running on GPUs). Task priority can be assigned using the resources.priority field. If a task does not specify a priority it is assigned the default_priority.

            • preemption: Specifies whether lower priority tasks should be preempted to schedule higher priority tasks. Tasks are preempted in order of lowest priority first.

            • default_priority: The priority that is assigned to tasks that do not specify a priority. Can be configured to 1 to 99 inclusively. Defaults to 42.

        • fitting_policy: The scheduling policy to use when assigning tasks to agents in the cluster. Defaults to best.

          • best: The best-fit policy ensures that tasks will be preferentially “packed” together on the smallest number of agents.

          • worst: The worst-fit policy ensures that tasks will be placed on under-utilized agents.

      • default_aux_resource_pool: The default resource pool to use for tasks that do not need dedicated compute resources, auxiliary, or systems tasks. Defaults to default if no resource pool is specified.

      • default_compute_resource_pool: The default resource pool to use for tasks that require compute resources, e.g. GPUs or dedicated CPUs. Defaults to default if no resource pool is specified.

      • require_authentication: Whether to require that agent connections be verified using mutual TLS.

      • client_ca: Certificate authority file to use for verifying agent certificates.

    • type: kubernetes: The kubernetes resource manager launches tasks on a Kubernetes cluster. The Determined master must be running within the Kubernetes cluster. When using the kubernetes resource manager, we recommend deploying Determined using the Determined Helm Chart. When installed via Helm, the configuration settings below will be set automatically. For more information on using Determined with Kubernetes, see the documentation.

      • namespace: The namespace where Determined will deploy Pods and ConfigMaps.

      • max_slots_per_pod: Each multi-slot (distributed training) task will be scheduled as a set of slots_per_task / max_slots_per_pod separate pods, with each pod assigned up to max_slots_per_pod slots. Distributed tasks with sizes that are not divisible by max_slots_per_pod are never scheduled. If you have a cluster of different size nodes, set max_slots_per_pod to the greatest common divisor of all the sizes. For example, if you have some nodes with 4 GPUs and other nodes with 8 GPUs, set maxSlotsPerPod to 4 so that all distributed experiments will launch with 4 GPUs per pod (with two pods on 8-GPU nodes).

      • slot_type: Resource type used for compute tasks. Defaults to cuda.

        • slot_type: cuda: One NVIDIA GPU will be requested per compute slot. Prior to 0.17.6, this option was called gpu.

        • slot_type: cpu: CPU resources will be requested for each compute slot. slot_resource_requests.cpu option is required to specify the specific amount of the resources.

      • slot_resource_requests: Supports customizing the resource requests made when scheduling Kubernetes pods.

        • cpu: The number of Kubernetes CPUs to request per compute slot.

      • master_service_name: The service account Determined uses to interact with the Kubernetes API.

      • fluent: Options for configuring how Fluent Bit sidecars are run.

        • image: The Fluent Bit image to use. Defaults to fluent/fluent-bit:1.9.3.

        • uid/gid: The UID and GID to run the Fluent Bit sidecar as. If these are not specified, the container will run as root when the associated task container is running as root and as a default non-root user otherwise.

  • type: slurm or pbs: The HPC launcher submits tasks to a Slurm/PBS cluster. For more information, see Configure and Verify Determined Master on HPC Cluster.

    • master_host: The hostname for the Determined master by which tasks will communicate with its API server.

    • master_port: The port for the Determined master.

    • host: The hostname for the Launcher, which Determined communicates with to launch and monitor jobs.

    • port: The port for the Launcher.

    • protocol: The protocol for communicating with the Launcher.

    • security: Security-related configuration settings for communicating with the Launcher.

      • tls: TLS-related configuration settings.

        • enabled: Enable TLS.

        • skip_verify: Skip server certificate verification.

        • certificate: Path to a file containing the cluster’s TLS certificate. Only needed if the certificate is not signed by a well-known CA; cannot be specified if skip_verify is enabled.

    • container_run_type: The type of the container runtime to be used when launching tasks. The value may be singularity, enroot, or podman. The default value is singularity. The value singularity is also used when using Apptainer.

    • auth_file: The location of a file which contains an authorization token to communicate with the launcher. It is automatically updated by the launcher as needed when the launcher is started. The specified path must be writable by the launcher, and readable by the Determined master.

    • slot_type: The default slot type assumed when users request resources from Determined in terms of slots. Defaults to cuda.

      • slot_type: cuda: One NVIDIA GPU will be requested per compute slot. Any partitions with GPUs will be represented as a resource pool with slot type cuda which can be overridden using partition_overrides.

      • slot_type: rocm: One AMD GPU will be requested per compute slot. Any partitions with GPUs will be represented as a resource pool with slot type rocm which can be overridden using partition_overrides.

      • slot_type: cpu: CPU resources will be requested for each compute slot. Partitions that contain no GPUs will default to a resource pool with slot type cpu. One node will be allocated per slot.

    • rendezvous_network_interface: The interface used to bootstrap communication between distributed jobs. For example, when using horovod the IP address for the host on this interface is passed in the host list to horovodrun. Defaults to any interface beginning with eth if one exists, otherwise the IPv4 resolution of the hostname.

    • proxy_network_interface: The interface used to proxy the master for services running on from compute nodes. The interface Defaults to the IPv4 resolution of the hostname.

    • user_name: The username that the Launcher will run as. It is recommended to set this to something other than root. The user must have a home directory with read permissions for all users to enable access to generated sbatch scripts and job log files.

    • group_name: The group that the Launcher will belong to. It should be a group that is not

      shared with other non-privileged users.

    • singularity_image_root: The shared directory where Singularity images should be located. This directory must be visible to the launcher and from the compute nodes. See Provide a Container Image Cache for more details.

    • job_storage_root: The shared directory where job-related files will be stored. It is where the needed Determined executables are copied to when the experiment is run, as well as where the Slurm/PBS scripts and log files are created. This directory must be writable by the launcher and the compute nodes.

    • path: The PATH for the launcher service so that it is able to find the Slurm, PBS, Singularity, Nvidia binaries, etc., in case they are not in a standard location on the compute node. For example, PATH=/opt/singularity/3.8.5/bin:${PATH}.

    • ld_library_path: The LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the launcher service so that it is able to find the Slurm, PBS, Singularity, Nvidia libraries, etc., in case they are not in a standard location on the compute node. For example, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cm/shared/apps/slurm/21.08.6/lib:/cm/shared/apps/slurm/21.08.6/lib/slurm:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}.

    • tres_supported: Indicates if SelectType=select/cons_tres is set in the Slurm configuration. Affects how Determined requests GPUs from Slurm. The default is true.

    • gres_supported: Indicates if GPU resources are properly configured in the HPC workload manager.

      For PBS, the ngpus option can be used to identify the number of GPUs available on a node.

      For Slurm, GresTypes=gpu is set in the Slurm configuration, and nodes with GPUs have properly configured GRES to indicate the presence of any GPUs. The default is true. When false, Determined will request slots_per_trial nodes and utilize only GPU 0 on each node. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that GPUs will be available on nodes selected for the job using other configurations, such as targeting a specific resource pool with only GPU nodes or specifying a Slurm constraint in the experiment configuration.

    • partition_overrides: A map of partition/queue names to partition-level overrides. For each configuration, if it is set for a given partition, it overrides the setting at the root level.

      • rendezvous_network_interface

      • proxy_network_interface

      • slot_type

      • task_container_defaults (See top-level setting)

    • default_aux_resource_pool: The default resource pool to use for tasks that do not need dedicated compute resources, auxiliary, or systems tasks. Defaults to the Slurm/PBS default partition if no resource pool is specified.

    • default_compute_resource_pool: The default resource pool to use for tasks that require compute resources, e.g. GPUs or dedicated CPUs. Defaults to the Slurm/PBS default partition if it has GPU resources and if no resource pool is specified.

    • job_project_source: Configures labelling of jobs on the HPC cluster (via Slurm --wckey or PBS -P). Allowed values are:

      • project: Use the project name of the experiment (this is the default, if no project nothing is passed to workload manager).

      • workspace: Use the workspace name of the project (if no workspace, nothing is passed to workload manager).

      • label [:prefix]: Use the value from the experiment configuration tags list (if no matching tags, nothing is passed to workload manager). If a tag begins with the specified prefix, remove the prefix and use the remainder as the value for the WCKey/Project. If multiple tag values begin with prefix, the remainders are concatenated with a comma (,) separator on Slurm or underscore (_) with PBS. If a prefix is not specified or empty, all tags will be matched (and therefore concatenated). Workload managers do not generally support multiple WCKey/Project values so it is recommended that prefix is configured to match a single label to enable use of the workload manager reporting tools that summarize usage by each WCKey/Project value.

  • resource_pools: A list of resource pools. A resource pool is a collection of identical computational resources. Users can specify which resource pool a job should be assigned to when the job is submitted. Refer to the documentation on Resource Pools for more information. Defaults to a resource pool with a name default.

    • pool_name: The name of the resource pool.

    • description: The description of the resource pool.

    • max_aux_containers_per_agent: The maximum number of auxiliary or system containers that can be scheduled on each agent in this pool.

    • agent_reconnect_wait: Maximum time the master should wait for a disconnected agent before considering it dead.

    • agent_reattach_enabled (experimental): Whether master & agent try to recover running containers after a restart. On master or agent process restart, the agent must reconnect within agent_reconnect_wait period.

    • task_container_defaults: Each resource pool may specify a task_container_defaults that overrides the top-level setting for all tasks launched in that resource pool. There is no merging behavior; when a resource pool’s task_container_defaults is set, tasks launched in that pool will completely ignore the top-level setting.

    • scheduler: Specifies how Determined schedules tasks to agents. The scheduler configuration on each resource pool will override the global one. For more on scheduling behavior in Determined, see Scheduling.

      • type: The scheduling policy to use when allocating resources between different tasks (experiments, notebooks, etc.). Defaults to fair_share.

        • fair_share: Tasks receive a proportional amount of the available resources depending on the resource they require and their weight.

        • round_robin: Tasks are scheduled in the order which they arrive at the cluster.

        • priority: Tasks are scheduled based on their priority, which can range from the values 1 to 99 inclusive. Lower priority numbers indicate higher priority tasks. A lower priority task will never be scheduled while a higher priority task is pending. Zero-slot tasks (e.g., CPU-only notebooks, tensorboards) are prioritized separately from tasks requiring slots (e.g., experiments running on GPUs). Task priority can be assigned using the resources.priority field. If a task does not specify a priority it is assigned the default_priority.

          • preemption: Specifies whether lower priority tasks should be preempted to schedule higher priority tasks. Tasks are preempted in order of lowest priority first.

          • default_priority: The priority that is assigned to tasks that do not specify a priority. Can be configured to 1 to 99 inclusively. Defaults to 42.

      • fitting_policy: The scheduling policy to use when assigning tasks to agents in the cluster. Defaults to best.

        • best: The best-fit policy ensures that tasks will be preferentially “packed” together on the smallest number of agents.

        • worst: The worst-fit policy ensures that tasks will be placed on under-utilized agents.

    • provider: Specifies the configuration of dynamic agents.

      • master_url: The full URL of the master. A valid URL is in the format of scheme://host:port. The scheme must be either http or https. If the master is deployed on EC2, rather than hardcoding the IP address, we advise you use one of the following to set the host as an alias: local-ipv4, public-ipv4, local-hostname, or public-hostname. If the master is deployed on GCP, rather than hardcoding the IP address, we advise you use one of the following to set the host as an alias: internal-ip or external-ip. Which one you should select is based on your network configuration. On master startup, we will replace the above alias host with its real value. Defaults to http as scheme, local IP address as host, and 8080 as port.

      • master_cert_name: A hostname for which the master’s TLS certificate is valid, if the host specified by the master_url option is an IP address or is not contained in the certificate. See Transport Layer Security for more information.

      • startup_script: One or more shell commands that will be run during agent instance start up. These commands are executed as root as soon as the agent cloud instance has started and before the Determined agent container on the instance is launched. For example, this feature can be used to mount a distributed file system or make changes to the agent instance’s configuration. The default value is the empty string. It may be helpful to use the YAML | syntax to specify a multi-line string. For example,

        startup_script: |
                        mkdir -p /mnt/disks/second
                        mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/disks/second
      • container_startup_script: One or more shell commands that will be run when the Determined agent container is started. These commands are executed inside the agent container but before the Determined agent itself is launched. For example, this feature can be used to configure Docker so that the agent can pull task images from GCR securely (see this example for more details). The default value is the empty string.

      • agent_docker_image: The Docker image to use for the Determined agents. A valid form is <repository>:<tag>. Defaults to determinedai/determined-agent:<master version>.

      • agent_docker_network: The Docker network to use for the Determined agent and task containers. If this is set to host, Docker host-mode networking will be used instead. The default value is determined.

      • agent_docker_runtime: The Docker runtime to use for the Determined agent and task containers. Defaults to runc.

      • max_idle_agent_period: How long to wait before terminating idle dynamic agents. This string is a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “30s”, “1h”, or “1m30s”. Valid time units are “s”, “m”, “h”. The default value is 20m.

      • max_agent_starting_period: How long to wait for agents to start up before retrying. This string is a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “30s”, “1h”, or “1m30s”. Valid time units are “s”, “m”, “h”. The default value is 20m.

      • min_instances: Min number of Determined agent instances. Defaults to 0.

      • max_instances: Max number of Determined agent instances. Defaults to 5.

      • type: aws: Specifies running dynamic agents on AWS. (Required)

        • region: The region of the AWS resources used by Determined. We advise setting this region to be the same region as the Determined master for better network performance. Defaults to the same region as the master.

        • root_volume_size: Size of the root volume of the Determined agent in GB. We recommend at least 100GB. Defaults to 200.

        • image_id: The AMI ID of the Determined agent. Defaults to the latest GCP agent image. (Optional)

        • tag_key: Key for tagging the Determined agent instances. Defaults to managed-by.

        • tag_value: Value for tagging the Determined agent instances. Defaults to the master instance ID if the master is on EC2, otherwise determined-ai-determined.

        • custom_tags: List of arbitrary user-defined tags that are added to the Determined agent instances and do not affect how Determined works. Each tag must specify key and value fields. Defaults to the empty list.

          • key: Key of custom tag.

          • value: value of custom tag.

        • instance_name: Name to set for the Determined agent instances. Defaults to determined-ai-agent.

        • ssh_key_name: The name of the SSH key registered with AWS for SSH key access to the agent instances. (Required)

        • iam_instance_profile_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM instance profile to attach to the agent instances.

        • network_interface: Network interface to set for the Determined agent instances.

          • public_ip: Whether to use public IP addresses for the Determined agents. See Set up Internet Access for instructions on whether a public IP should be used. Defaults to false.

          • security_group_id: The ID of the security group to run the Determined agents as. This should be the security group you identified or created in Set up Internet Access. Defaults to the default security group of the specified VPC.

          • subnet_id: The ID of the subnet to run the Determined agents in. Defaults to the default subnet of the default VPC.

        • instance_type: AWS instance type to use for dynamic agents. If instance_slots is not specified, for GPU instances this must be one of the following: g4dn.xlarge, g4dn.2xlarge, g4dn.4xlarge, g4dn.8xlarge, g4dn.16xlarge, g4dn.12xlarge, g4dn.metal, g5.xlarge, g5.2xlarge, g5.4xlarge, g5.8xlarge, g5.12xlarge, g5.16xlarge, g5.24xlarge, g5.48large, p2.xlarge, p2.8xlarge, p2.16xlarge, p3.2xlarge, p3.8xlarge, p3.16xlarge, p3dn.24xlarge, or p4d.24xlarge. For CPU instances, most general purpose instance types are allowed (t2, t3, c4, c5, m4, m5 and variants). Defaults to p3.8xlarge.

        • instance_slots: The optional number of GPUs for the AWS instance type. This is used in conjunction with the instance_type in order to specify types which are not listed in the instance_type list above. Note that some GPUs may not be supported. WARNING: be sure to specify the correct number of GPUs to ensure that provisioner launches the correct number of instances.

        • cpu_slots_allowed: Whether to allow slots on the CPU instance types. When true, and if the instance type doesn’t have any GPUs, each instance will provide a single CPU-based compute slot; if it has any GPUs, they’ll be used for compute slots instead. Defaults to false.

        • spot: Whether to use spot instances. Defaults to false. See Use Spot Instances for more details.

        • spot_max_price: Optional field indicating the maximum price per hour that you are willing to pay for a spot instance. The market price for a spot instance varies based on supply and demand. If the market price exceeds the spot_max_price, Determined will not launch instances. This field must be a string and must not include a currency sign. For example, $2.50 should be represented as "2.50". Defaults to the on-demand price for the given instance type.

      • type: gcp: Specifies running dynamic agents on GCP. (Required)

        • base_config: Instance resource base configuration that will be merged with the fields below to construct GCP inserting instance request. See REST Resource: instances for details.

        • project: The project ID of the GCP resources used by Determined. Defaults to the project of the master.

        • zone: The zone of the GCP resources used by Determined. Defaults to the zone of the master.

        • boot_disk_size: Size of the root volume of the Determined agent in GB. We recommend at least 100GB. Defaults to 200.

        • boot_disk_source_image: The boot disk source image of the Determined agent that was shared with you. To use a specific version of the Determined agent image from a specific project, it should be set in the format: projects/<project-id>/global/images/<image-id>. Defaults to the latest GCP agent image. (Optional)

        • label_key: Key for labeling the Determined agent instances. Defaults to managed-by.

        • label_value: Value for labeling the Determined agent instances. Defaults to the master instance name if the master is on GCP, otherwise determined-ai-determined.

        • name_prefix: Name prefix to set for the Determined agent instances. The names of the Determined agent instances are a concatenation of the name prefix and a pet name. Defaults to the master instance name if the master is on GCP otherwise determined-ai-determined.

        • network_interface: Network configuration for the Determined agent instances. See the GCP API Access section for the suggested configuration. (Required)

          • network: Network resource for the Determined agent instances. The network configuration should specify the project ID of the network. It should be set in the format: projects/<project>/global/networks/<network>. (Required)

          • subnetwork: Subnetwork resource for the Determined agent instances. The subnet configuration should specify the project ID and the region of the subnetwork. It should be set in the format: projects/<project>/regions/<region>/subnetworks/<subnetwork>. (Required)

          • external_ip: Whether to use external IP addresses for the Determined agent instances. See Set up Internet Access for instructions on whether an external IP should be set. Defaults to false.

        • network_tags: An array of network tags to set firewalls for the Determined agent instances. This is the one you identified or created in Step 4 - Set up Firewall Rules. Defaults to be an empty array.

        • service_account: Service account for the Determined agent instances. See the GCP API Access section for suggested configuration.

          • email: Email of the service account for the Determined agent instances. Defaults to the empty string.

          • scopes: List of scopes authorized for the Determined agent instances. As suggested in GCP API Access, we recommend you set the scopes to [""]. Defaults to [""].

        • instance_type: Type of instance for the Determined agents.

          • machine_type: Type of machine for the Determined agents. Defaults to n1-standard-32.

          • gpu_type: Type of GPU for the Determined agents. Set it to be an empty string to not use any GPUs. Defaults to nvidia-tesla-v100.

          • gpu_num: Number of GPUs for the Determined agents. Defaults to 4.

          • preemptible: Whether to use preemptible dynamic agent instances. Defaults to false.

        • cpu_slots_allowed: Whether to allow slots on the CPU instance types. When true, and if the instance type doesn’t have any GPUs, each instance will provide a single CPU-based compute slot; if it has any GPUs, they’ll be used for compute slots instead. Defaults to false.

        • operation_timeout_period: The timeout period for tracking a GCP operation. This string is a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “30s”, “1h”, or “1m30s”. Valid time units are “s”, “m”, “h”. The default value is 5m.

      • type: hpc: Specifies a custom resource pool that submits work to an underlying Slurm/PBS partition on an HPC cluster. (Required)

        One resource pool is automatically created for each Slurm partition or PBS queue on an HPC cluster. This provider enables creation of additional resource pools with different submission options to those partitions/queues.

        • partition: The target HPC partition where jobs will be launched when using this resource pool. Add task_container_defaults to to provide a resource pool with additional default options. This can be used to create a resource pool with homogeneous resources when the underlying partition or queue does not. Consider the following:

          - pool_name: defq_GPU_tesla
            description: Lands jobs on defq_GPU with tesla GPU selected
                gpu_type: tesla
              type: hpc
              partition: defq_GPU

        In this example, jobs submitted to the resource pool named defq_GPU_tesla will executed in the HPC partition named defq_GPU with the gpu_type property set.

  • checkpoint_storage: Specifies where model checkpoints will be stored. This can be overridden on a per-experiment basis in the Experiment Configuration Reference. A checkpoint contains the architecture and weights of the model being trained. Determined currently supports several kinds of checkpoint storage, gcs, hdfs, s3, azure, and shared_fs, identified by the type subfield.

    • type: gcs: Checkpoints are stored on Google Cloud Storage (GCS). Authentication is done using GCP’s “Application Default Credentials” approach. When using Determined inside Google Compute Engine (GCE), the simplest approach is to ensure that the VMs used by Determined are running in a service account that has the “Storage Object Admin” role on the GCS bucket being used for checkpoints. As an alternative (or when running outside of GCE), you can add the appropriate service account credentials to your container (e.g., via a bind-mount), and then set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the container path where the credentials are located. See Environment Variables for more information on how to set environment variables in trial environments.

      • bucket: The GCS bucket name to use.

      • prefix: The optional path prefix to use. Must not contain ... Note: Prefix is normalized, e.g., /pre/.//fix -> /pre/fix

    • type: hdfs: Checkpoints are stored in HDFS using the WebHDFS API for reading and writing checkpoint resources.

      • hdfs_url: Hostname or IP address of HDFS namenode, prefixed with protocol, followed by WebHDFS port on namenode. Multiple namenodes are allowed as a semicolon-separated list (e.g., "http://namenode1:50070;http://namenode2:50070").

      • hdfs_path: The prefix path where all checkpoints will be written to and read from. The resources of each checkpoint will be saved in a subdirectory of hdfs_path, where the subdirectory name is the checkpoint’s UUID.

      • user: An optional string value that indicates the user to use for all read and write requests. If left unspecified, the default user of the trial runner container will be used.

    • type: s3: Checkpoints are stored in Amazon S3.

      • bucket: The S3 bucket name to use.

      • access_key: The AWS access key to use.

      • secret_key: The AWS secret key to use.

      • prefix: The optional path prefix to use. Must not contain ... Note: Prefix is normalized, e.g., /pre/.//fix -> /pre/fix

      • endpoint_url: The optional endpoint to use for S3 clones, e.g.,

    • type: azure: Checkpoints are stored in Microsoft’s Azure Blob Storage. Authentication is performed by providing either a connection string, or an account URL and an optional credential.

      • container: The Azure Blob Storage container name to use.

      • connection_string: The connection string for the service account to use.

      • account_url: The account URL for the service account to use.

      • credential: The optional credential to use in conjunction with the account URL.

      Please only specify either connection_string or the account_url and credential pair.

    • type: shared_fs: Checkpoints are written to a directory on the agent’s file system. The assumption is that the system administrator has arranged for the same directory to be mounted at every agent host, and for the content of this directory to be the same on all agent hosts (e.g., by using a distributed or network file system such as GlusterFS or NFS).

      • host_path: The file system path on each agent to use. This directory will be mounted to /determined_shared_fs inside the trial container.

      • storage_path: The optional path where checkpoints will be written to and read from. Must be a subdirectory of the host_path or an absolute path containing the host_path. If unset, checkpoints are written to and read from the host_path.

      • propagation: (Advanced users only) Optional propagation behavior for replicas of the bind-mount. Defaults to rprivate.

    • When an experiment finishes, the system will optionally delete some checkpoints to reclaim space. The save_experiment_best, save_trial_best and save_trial_latest parameters specify which checkpoints to save. See Checkpoint Garbage Collection for more details.

  • db: Specifies the configuration of the database.

    • user: The database user to use when logging in the database. (Required)

    • password: The password to use when logging in the database. (Required)

    • host: The database host to use. (Required)

    • port: The database port to use. (Required)

    • name: The database name to use. (Required)

    • ssl_mode: The SSL mode to use. See the PostgreSQL documentation for the list of possible values and their meanings. Defaults to disable. In order to ensure that SSL is used, this should be set to require, verify-ca, or verify-full.

    • ssl_root_cert: The location of the root certificate file to use for verifying the server’s certificate. See the PostgreSQL documentation for more information about certificate verification. Defaults to ~/.postgresql/root.crt.

  • security: Specifies security-related configuration settings.

    • tls: Specifies configuration settings for TLS. TLS is enabled if certificate and key files are both specified.

      • cert: Certificate file to use for serving TLS.

      • key: Key file to use for serving TLS.

    • ssh: Specifies configuration settings for SSH.

      • rsa_key_size: Number of bits to use when generating RSA keys for SSH for tasks. Maximum size is 16384.

    • authz: Authorization settings.

      • type: Authorization system to use. Defaults to basic. See RBAC docs for further info.

      • rbac_ui_enabled: Whether to enable RBAC in WebUI and CLI. When type is rbac, defaults true, otherwise false.

      • workspace_creator_assign_role: Assign a role to the user on workspace creation.

        • enabled: Whether this feature is enabled. Defaults to true.

        • role_id: Integer identifier of a role to be assigned. Defaults to 2, which is the role id of WorkspaceAdmin role.

      • _strict_ntsc_enabled: Whether to enable strict NTSC access enforcement. Defaults to false. See RBAC docs for further info.

  • webhooks: Specifies configuration settings related to webhooks.

    • signing_key: The key used to sign outgoing webhooks.

    • base_url: The URL users use to access Determined, for generating hyperlinks.

  • telemetry: Specifies configuration settings related to telemetry collection and tracing.

    • enabled: Whether to collect and report anonymous information about the usage of this Determined cluster. See Telemetry for details on what kinds of information are reported. Defaults to true.

    • otel-enabled: Whether OpenTelemetry is enabled. Defaults to false.

    • otel-endpoint: OpenTelemetry endpoint to use. Defaults to localhost:4317.

  • observability: Specifies whether Determined enables Prometheus monitoring routes. See Prometheus for details.

    • enable_prometheus: Whether Prometheus is enabled. Defaults to false.

  • logging: Specifies configuration settings for the logging backend for trial logs.

    • type: default: Trial logs are shipped to the master and stored in Postgres. If nothing is set, this is the default.

    • type: elastic: Trial logs are shipped to the Elasticsearch cluster described by the configuration settings in the section. See the topic guide for a more detailed explanation of how and when to use Elasticsearch.

      • host: Hostname or IP address for the cluster.

      • port: Port for the cluster.

      • security: Security-related configuration settings.

        • username: Username to use when accessing the cluster.

        • password: Password to use when accessing the cluster.

        • tls: TLS-related configuration settings.

          • enabled: Enable TLS.

          • skip_verify: Skip server certificate verification.

          • certificate: Path to a file containing the cluster’s TLS certificate. Only needed if the certificate is not signed by a well-known CA; cannot be specified if skip_verify is enabled.

    • additional_fluent_outputs: An optional configuration string containing additional Fluent Bit outputs for advanced users to specify logging integrations. See the Fluent Bit documentation for the format and supported logging outputs.

  • scim: (EE-only) Specifies whether the SCIM service is enabled and the credentials for clients to use it.

    • enabled: Whether to enable SCIM. Defaults to false.

    • auth: The configuration for authenticating SCIM requests.

      • type: The authentication type to use. Either "basic" (for HTTP basic authentication) or "oauth" (for OAuth 2.0).

      • username: The username for HTTP basic authentication (only allowed with type: basic).

      • password: The password for HTTP basic authentication (only allowed with type: basic).

  • saml: (EE-only) Specifies whether SAML SSO is enabled and the configuration to use it.

    • enabled: Whether to enable SAML SSO. Defaults to false.

    • provider: The name of the IdP. Currently (officially) supported: “okta”.

    • idp_recipient_url: The URL your IdP will send SAML assertions to.

    • idp_sso_url: An IdP-provided URL to redirect SAML requests to.

    • idp_sso_descriptor_url: An IdP-provided URL, also known as IdP issuer. It is an identifier for the IdP that issues the SAML requests and responses.

    • idp_cert_path: The path to the IdP’s certificate, used to validate assertions.