
Elastic Infrastructure

This document describes how Determined automatically scales its cluster to provide adequate computation resources for workloads as well as leverage computational resources. It assumes some familiarity with the terms make in System Architecture: master, agent, slot, and workload.

Architecture Diagram

The diagram below outlines the high level architecture of the elastic infrastructure.


Following the diagram, the execution would be:

  1. The master collects the information on the agents and the workloads.

  2. The master calculates out the ideal size of the cluster and decide how many agents to launch and which agents to terminate.

  3. The master makes API calls to agent providers, such as AWS and GCP, to scale up/down the cluster.

Architecture Details

The master collects information on idle agents that have no running workloads and on pending workloads waiting to be scheduled and uses this information to scale the cluster automatically.

  • When workloads are pending and cannot be scheduled due to lack of available agents, the master calculates the number of agents that are needed to take on these pending workloads. The calculation is done based on the configuration of scaling behavior and agent type. Then it makes API calls to ask agent providers for more agents within a few seconds of new workloads arriving. Agents will spin up automatically and once these agents are able to be discovered by the master, the free slots on these agents will be scheduled with pending workloads. The time for the agents to be discovered varies on different agent providers.

  • When there are no workloads running on agents, these agents are marked as idle agents. We give them a grace period before making API calls to terminate them. This grace period gives some time to these agents to be scheduled with new workloads.

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