Debugging Models#

Using Determined to train your model can introduce a number of failure points that aren’t present when running training scripts locally. Running your code on a Determined cluster differs from typical training scripts in the following ways:

  • The code runs in a Docker container, possibly on another machine.

  • Your model can run many times in a hyperparameter search.

  • Your model can be distributed across multiple GPUs or machines.

These debugging steps introduce environment and code changes incrementally, working toward fully functioning distributed training on a Determined cluster:


Ensure you have successfully installed a Determined cluster. The cluster can be installed on a local development machine, on-prem, or on cloud. For installation guides, visit Install and Set Up Determined.

Step 1 - Verify that your training script runs locally#

Determined’s training APIs are designed to work both on-cluster and locally (that is, without interacting with a Determined master), so you should be able to run your training script on the same local machine that you ran your model before integrating with Determined APIs.

If you ported your model to PyTorchTrial or DeepSpeedTrial and are having trouble getting your ported model to work, one debugging strategy is to manually call the various methods of your Trial directly before calling

Confirm that your code works as expected before continuing.

Step 2 - Verify that your training script runs in a notebook or shell#

This step is the same as Step 1, except the your training script runs on the Determined cluster instead of locally.

  1. Launch a notebook or shell on the cluster:

    Pass the root directory containing your model and training scripts in the --context argument:

    If you prefer a Jupyter notebook, enter:

    det notebook start --context my_model_dir
    # Your browser should automatically open the notebook.

    If you prefer to use SSH to interact with your model, enter:

    det shell start --context my_model_dir
    # Your terminal should automatically connect to the shell.

    Note that changes made to the --context directory while inside the notebook or shell do not affect the original files outside of the notebook or shell. See Save and Restore Notebook State for more information.

  2. Verify code execution:

    After you are on the cluster, you can test your script by just running it, as in Step 1.

  3. Diagnose failures:

    • If you are unable to start the container and receive a message about the context directory exceeding the maximum allowed size, it is because the --context directory cannot be larger than 95MB. If you need larger model definition files, consider setting up a bind mount using the bind_mounts field of the task configuration. The Prepare Data document lists additional strategies for accessing files inside a containerized environment.

    • You might be referencing files that exist locally but are outside of the --context directory. If the files are small, you may be able to copy them into the --context directory. Otherwise, bind mounting the files can be an option.

    • If you get dependency errors, dependencies might be installed locally that are not installed in the Docker environment used on the cluster. See Customize Your Environment and Custom Images for available options.

    • If you need environment variables to be set for your model to work, see Job Configuration Reference.

Step 3 - Verify that a single-GPU experiment works#

In this step, instead of launching the command from an interactive environment, it is submitted to the cluster and managed by Determined.

  1. Apply customizations:

    If you customized your command environment in testing Step 2, make sure to apply the same customizations in your experiment configuration file.

  2. Set entrypoint:

    Set the entrypoint of your experiment config to match the way you call your training script in your environment, including all arguments.

  3. Set resources.slots_per_trial:

    Confirm that your experiment config does not specify resources.slots_per_trial or that it is set to 1. For example:

      slots_per_trial: 1
  4. Submit your experiment:

    det experiment create myconfig.yaml my_model_dir -f
  5. Diagnose failures:

    The experiment configuration is validated upon submission. If you see errors about invalid experiment configuration during submission, review the experiment configuration.

    If your training script runs inside a notebook or shell, but fails when on-cluster, make sure that notebook or shell customizations you might have made are replicated in your experiment config, such as:

    • If required, a custom Docker image is set in the experiment configuration.

    • pip install or apt install commands needed in the interactive environment are built into a custom Docker image or included in the file in the model definition directory root. See Startup Hooks for more information.

    • Custom bind mounts required in the interactive environment are specified in the experiment configuration.

    • Environment variables are correctly set in the experiment configuration.

    If no customizations are missing, the following new layers introduced with a cluster-managed experiment could be the cause of the problem:

    • The checkpoint_storage settings are used for cluster-managed training. If checkpoint_storage is not configured in the experiment configuration or the master configuration, an error message can occur during experiment configuration validation before the experiment or trials are created. Correct this by providing a checkpoint_storage configuration in one of the following locations:

    • For a cluster-based experiment, configured checkpoint_storage settings are validated before training starts. The message Checkpoint storage validation failed, indicates that you should review the checkpoint_storage setting values.

If you are unable to identify the cause of the problem, contact Determined community support!

Step 4 - Verify that a multi-GPU experiment works#

This step introduces distributed training.

  1. Make any necessary code changes:

  2. Wrap your training script in entrypoint with the correct launcher for the training API you are using. For example, if you are using PyTorchTrial, you should use Determined’s PyTorch Distributed Launcher:

    entrypoint: >-
      python3 -m determined.launch.torch_distributed --
      python3 ./ --my-option=value

    See Predefined Launchers for more launcher options.

  3. Configure resources.slots_per_trial to a number greater than 1. For example:

      slots_per_trial: 2
  4. Submit your experiment:

    det experiment create myconfig.yaml my_model_dir -f
  5. Diagnose failures:

    Double-check that any code changes you made are correct, and also that you wrapped your code with the correct launcher. Otherwise, common problems might be:

    • If your experiment is not being scheduled on the cluster, ensure that the slots_per_trial setting is valid for your cluster. For example:

      • If you have four Determined agents running with four GPUs each, your slots_per_trial could be 1, 2, 3, or 4, which fits on a single machine.

      • A slots_per_trial value of 8, 12, or 16 completely utilizes a number of agent machines.

      • A slots_per_trial value of 5 implies more than one agent but it is not a multiple of agent size so this is an invalid case.

      • A slots_per_trial value of 32 is too large for the cluster and is also an invalid case.

      Ensure that there are no other notebooks, shells, or experiments on the cluster that might consume too many resources and prevent the experiment from starting.

    • Determined is designed to control many of the details of distributed training for you. If you also try to control those details, such as by calling tf.config.set_visible_devices() while training a Keras model, it is likely to cause issues.

    • Some classes of metrics must be specially calculated during distributed training. Most metrics, such as loss or accuracy, can be calculated piecemeal on each worker in a distributed training job and averaged afterward. Those metrics are handled automatically by Determined and do not need special handling. Other metrics, such as F1 score, cannot be averaged from individual worker F1 scores. Determined has tooling for handling these metrics. See the documentation for using custom metric reducers with PyTorch.