
User Interfaces


The WebUI allows users to create and monitor the progress of experiments. It is accessible by visiting http://master-addr:8080, where master-addr is the hostname or IP address where the Determined master is running.


Users can also interact with Determined using a command-line interface. The CLI is distributed as a Python wheel package; once the wheel has been installed (see Install Determined CLI for details), the CLI can be used via the det command.

The CLI should be installed on any machine where a user would like to access Determined. The -m or --master flag determines the network address of the Determined master that the CLI connects to. If this flag is not specified, the value of the DET_MASTER environment variable is used; if that environment variable is not set, the default address is localhost. The master address can be specified in three different formats:

  • (if port is omitted, it defaults to 8080)

  • (if port is omitted, it defaults to 80)

  • (if port is omitted, it defaults to 443)


# Connect to localhost, port 8080.
$ det experiment list

# Connect to, port 8888.
$ det -m e list

# Connect to, port 80.
$ det -m e list

# Connect to, port 443.
$ det -m e list

# Connect to, port 8080.
$ det -m e list

# Set default Determined master address to, port 8888.
$ export DET_MASTER=""

CLI subcommands usually follow a <noun> <verb> form, similar to the paradigm of ip. Certain abbreviations are supported, and a missing verb is the same as list, when possible.

For example, the different commands within each of the blocks below all do the same thing:

# List all experiments.
$ det experiment list
$ det exp list
$ det e list
$ det e
# List all agents.
$ det agent list
$ det a list
$ det a
# List all slots.
$ det slot list
$ det slot
$ det s

For a complete description of the available nouns and abbreviations, see the output of det help. Each noun also provides a help verb that describes the possible verbs for that noun.