
Experiment Configuration

An experiment configuration is a YAML file that provides the pertinent user settings needed to run an experiment in Determined. Typically, the configuration is passed as a command-line argument when an experiment is created with the Determined CLI. It may contain the following fields:

  • description: A human-readable description of the experiment. This does not need to be unique.

  • labels: A list of label names (strings). Assigning labels to experiments allows you to identify experiments that share the same property or should be grouped together. You can add and remove labels using either the CLI (det experiment label) or the WebUI.

  • data: Specifies the location of the data used by the experiment. The content and format of this field is user-specified: it should be used to specify whatever configuration is needed for loading data for use by the experiment’s model definition. For example, if your experiment loads data from Amazon S3, the data field might contain the S3 bucket name, object prefix, and AWS authentication credentials.

  • entrypoint: Specifies the location of the trial class in a user’s model definition as an entrypoint specification string. The entrypoint specification is expected to take the form <module>:<object reference>. <module> specifies the module containing the trial class within the model definition, relative to the root. <object reference> specifies the naming of the trial class within the module. It may be a nested object delimited by dots. For more information and examples, please see Model Definitions.

  • checkpoint_storage: Specifies where model checkpoints will be stored. A checkpoint contains the architecture and weights of the model being trained. Determined currently supports four kinds of checkpoint storage, gcs, hdfs, s3, and shared_fs, identified by the type subfield. Defaults to checkpoint storage configured in Cluster Configuration.

    • type: gcs: Checkpoints are stored on Google Cloud Storage (GCS). Authentication is done using GCP’s “Application Default Credentials” approach. When using Determined inside Google Compute Engine (GCE), the simplest approach is to ensure that the VMs used by Determined are running in a service account that has the “Storage Object Admin” role on the GCS bucket being used for checkpoints. As an alternative (or when running outside of GCE), you can add the appropriate service account credentials to your container (e.g., via a bind-mount), and then set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the container path where the credentials are located. See Environment Variables for more details on how to set environment variables in containers.

      • bucket: The GCS bucket name to use.

    • type: hdfs: Checkpoints are stored in HDFS using the WebHDFS API for reading and writing checkpoint resources.

      • hdfs_url: Hostname or IP address of HDFS namenode, prefixed with protocol, followed by WebHDFS port on namenode. Multiple namenodes are allowed as a semicolon-separated list (e.g., "http://namenode1:50070;http://namenode2:50070").

      • hdfs_path: The prefix path where all checkpoints will be written to and read from. The resources of each checkpoint will be saved in a subdirectory of hdfs_path, where the subdirectory name is the checkpoint’s UUID.

      • user: An optional string value that indicates the user to use for all read and write requests. If left unspecified, the default user of the trial runner container will be used.

    • type: s3: Checkpoints are stored in Amazon S3.

      • bucket: The S3 bucket name to use.

      • access_key: The AWS access key to use.

      • secret_key: The AWS secret key to use.

      • endpoint_url: The optional endpoint to use for S3 clones, e.g.,

    • type: shared_fs: Checkpoints are written to a directory on the agent’s file system. The assumption is that the system administrator has arranged for the same directory to be mounted at every agent host, and for the content of this directory to be the same on all agent hosts (e.g., by using a distributed or network file system such as GlusterFS or NFS).

      • host_path: The file system path on each agent to use.

      • container_path: The optional file system path to use as the mount point in the trial runner container. Defaults to /determined_shared_fs.

      • storage_path: The optional path where checkpoints will be written to and read from. Must be a subdirectory of the host_path or an absolute path containing the host_path. If unset, checkpoints are written to and read from the host_path.

      • propagation: (Advanced users only) Optional propagation behavior for replicas of the bind-mount. Defaults to rprivate.

    • When an experiment finishes, the system will optionally delete some checkpoints to reclaim space. The save_experiment_best, save_trial_best and save_trial_latest parameters specify which checkpoints to save. See the documentation on Checkpoint Garbage Collection for more details.

  • min_validation_period: Instructs Determined to periodically compute validation metrics for each trial during training. If set, this variable specifies the maximum number of training steps that can be completed for a given trial since the last validation operation for that trial; if this limit is reached, a new validation operation is performed. Validation metrics can be computed more frequently than specified by this parameter, depending on the hyperparameter search method being used by the experiment.

  • checkpoint_policy: Controls how Determined performs checkpoints after validation operations, if at all. Should be set to one of the following values:

    • best (default): A checkpoint will be taken after every validation operation that performs better than all previous validations for this experiment. Validation metrics are compared according to the metric and smaller_is_better options in the searcher configuration.

    • all: A checkpoint will be taken after every validation step, no matter the validation performance of the step.

    • none: A checkpoint will never be taken due to a validation step. However, even with this policy selected, checkpoints are still expected to be taken after the last training step of a trial, due to cluster scheduling decisions or due to min_checkpoint_period.

  • min_checkpoint_period: Instructs Determined to take periodic checkpoints of each trial during training. If set, this variable specifies the maximum number of training steps that can be completed for a given trial since the last checkpoint of that trial; if this limit is reached, a checkpoint of the trial is taken. There are two other situations in which a trial might be checkpointed: (a) during training, a model may be checkpointed to allow the trial’s execution to be suspended and later resumed on a different Determined agent (b) when the trial’s experiment is completed, to allow the resulting model to be exported from Determined (e.g., for deployment).

  • hyperparameters: Specifies the hyperparameter space via a list of user-defined subfields corresponding to the hyperparameters.

    • In order to fully define a hyperparameter, the following subfields can be specified:

      • type: Defines the type of the hyperparameter. Must be one of const, double, int, log, and categorical.

      • const hyperparameters are fixed hyperparameters that take on a given value. These options apply to const hyperparameters:

        • val: Specifies the value of the hyperparameter, e.g., True, 2, or any_string.

      • double hyperparameters are floating point numerics, while int hyperparameters take on integer values. These options apply to double and int hyperparameters:

        • minval, maxval: Specifies the minimum and maximum values for the hyperparameter.

        • count: Specifies the number of values for this hyperparameter during grid search (see Hyperparameter Search: Grid). It is ignored for any other searcher. Values are evenly spaced between minval and maxval.

      • log hyperparameters are floating point numerics that are searched on a logarithmic scale. These options apply to log hyperparameters:

        • base: The base of the logarithm. Hyperparameter values are exponents applied to this base.

        • minval, maxval: Specifies the minimum and maximum exponent values for the hyperparameter.

        • count: Specifies the number of values for this hyperparameter during grid search (see Hyperparameter Search: Grid). It is ignored for any other searcher. Values are exponents evenly spaced between minval and maxval.

      • categorical hyperparameters can take on a value within a specified set of values. These additional options apply to categorical hyperparameters:

        • vals: Specifies the list of possible values. Values can be of any type, e.g., True or False booleans, numbers, unquoted strings, or even lists like [1, False].

    • If a scalar value is specified instead of the subfields above, the hyperparameter type will be assumed to be const.

    • The value chosen for a hyperparameter in a given trial can be accessed via the context using context.get_hparam(). For instance, the current value of a hyperparameter named learning_rate is stored in the context of the of trial and can be accessed by: context.get_hparam("learning_rate").


      global_batch_size is a required hyperparameter. Batch size per slot is computed at runtime, based on the number of slots using to train a single trial of this experiment (see resources.slots_per_trial). The updated values should be accessed via the trial context, using context.get_per_slot_batch_size() and context.get_global_batch_size().

  • searcher: Specifies the procedure for searching through the hyperparameter space. Determined supports six search methods (single, random, grid, adaptive_simple, adaptive, and pbt), and the user can specify which one to use via the name subfield. See the hp-search documentation for more details. To use one of these search methods, the following subfields must be specified:

    • name: single: This search method trains a single trial for a fixed number of steps. By default, validation metrics are only computed once, after the specified number of training steps have been completed; min_validation_period (see above) can be used to specify that validation metrics should be computed more frequently.

      • metric: Specifies the name of the validation metric used to evaluate the performance of a hyperparameter configuration.

      • smaller_is_better: Specifies whether to minimize or maximize the metric defined above. The default value is true (minimize).

      • max_steps: Specifies how many steps to allocate to the trial.

      • (optional) source_trial_id: If specified, the weights of this trial will be initialized to the most recent checkpoint of the given trial ID. Note that this will fail if the source trial’s model architecture is inconsistent with the model architecture of this experiment.

      • (optional) source_checkpoint_uuid: Like source_trial_id, but specifies an arbitrary checkpoint from which to initialize weights; only one of source_trial_id or source_checkpoint_uuid should be set.

    • name: random: This search method performs a random search. Each random trial configuration is trained for the specified number of steps, and then validation metrics are computed. min_validation_period (see above) can be used to specify that validation metrics should be computed more frequently.

      • metric: Specifies the name of the validation metric used to evaluate the quality of different hyperparameter configurations. The metric name should be a key in the dictionary returned by the validation_metrics() function in a Model Definition Interfaces.

      • smaller_is_better: Specifies whether to minimize or maximize the metric defined above. The default value is true (minimize).

      • max_trials: Specifies how many trials, i.e., hyperparameter configurations, to evaluate.

      • max_steps: Specifies the number of training steps to run for each trial.

      • (optional) source_trial_id: If specified, the weights of every trial in the search will be initialized to the most recent checkpoint of the given trial ID. Note that this will fail if the source trial’s model architecture is incompatible with the model architecture of any of the trials in this experiment.

      • (optional) source_checkpoint_uuid: Like source_trial_id but specifies an arbitrary checkpoint from which to initialize weights. Only one of source_trial_id or source_checkpoint_uuid should be set.

    • name: grid: This search method performs a grid search. The coordinates of the hyperparameter grid are specified through the hyperparameters field. For more details see the Hyperparameter Search: Grid.

      • metric: Specifies the name of the validation metric used to evaluate the performance of a hyperparameter configuration.

      • smaller_is_better: Specifies whether to minimize or maximize the metric defined above. The default value is true (minimize).

      • (optional) source_trial_id: If specified, the weights of this trial will be initialized to the most recent checkpoint of the given trial ID. Note that this will fail if the source trial’s model architecture is inconsistent with the model architecture of this experiment.

      • (optional) source_checkpoint_uuid: Like source_trial_id, but specifies an arbitrary checkpoint from which to initialize weights; only one of source_trial_id or source_checkpoint_uuid should be set.

    • name: adaptive: This search method is a theoretically principled and empirically state-of-the-art method that adaptively allocates resources to promising hyperparameter configurations while quickly eliminating poor ones.

      • metric: Specifies the name of the validation metric used to evaluate the performance of a hyperparameter configuration.

      • smaller_is_better: Specifies whether to minimize or maximize the metric defined above. The default value is true (minimize).

      • mode: Specifies how aggressively to perform early stopping. There are three modes: aggressive, standard, and conservative. These three modes differ in the degree to which early-stopping is used. In aggressive mode, the searcher quickly stops underperforming trials, which enables the searcher to explore more hyperparameter configurations, but at the risk of discarding a configuration too soon. On the other end of the spectrum, conservative mode performs significantly less downsampling, but as a consequence does not explore as many configurations given the same budget. We suggest using either aggressive or standard mode.

      • target_trial_steps: Specifies the maximum number of training steps to allocate to any one trial. The vast majority of trials will be stopped early, and thus only a small fraction of trials will actually be trained for this number of steps. We suggest setting this to a multiple of divisor^(max_rungs-1), which is 45-1 = 256 with the default values.

      • step_budget: Specifies the total number of steps to allocate across all trials. We suggest setting this to be a multiple of target_trial_steps, which implies interpreting this subfield as the effective number of complete trials to evaluate. Note that some trials might be in-progress when this budget is exhausted; adaptive search will allocate some additional steps to complete these in-progress trials.

      • (optional) divisor: Specifies the fraction of trials to keep at each rung, and also determines how many steps are allocated at each rung. The default setting is 4; only advanced users should consider changing this value.

      • (optional) max_rungs: Specifies the maximum number of times we evaluate intermediate results for a trial and terminate poorly performing trials. The default value is 5; only advanced users should consider changing this value.

      • (optional) source_trial_id: If specified, the weights of every trial in the search will be initialized to the most recent checkpoint of the given trial ID. This will fail if the source trial’s model architecture is inconsistent with the model architecture of any of the trials in this experiment.

      • (optional) source_checkpoint_uuid: Like source_trial_id, but specifies an arbitrary checkpoint from which to initialize weights. Only one of source_trial_id or source_checkpoint_uuid should be set.

    • name: adaptive_simple: This search method is an alternative configuration to the adaptive search method (see above).

      • metric: Specifies the name of the validation metric used to evaluate the performance of a hyperparameter configuration.

      • smaller_is_better: Specifies whether to minimize or maximize the metric defined above. The default value is true (minimize).

      • max_steps: Specifies the maximum number of training steps to allocate to any one trial. The vast majority of trials will be stopped early, and thus only a small fraction of trials will actually be trained for this number of steps.

      • max_trials: Specifies how many trials, i.e., hyperparameter configurations, to evaluate.

      • (optional) mode: Specifies how aggressively to perform early stopping. There are three modes: aggressive, standard, and conservative. These three modes differ in the degree to which early-stopping is used. In aggressive mode, the searcher quickly stops underperforming trials, which enables the searcher to explore more hyperparameter configurations, but at the risk of discarding a configuration too soon. On the other end of the spectrum, conservative mode performs significantly less downsampling, but as a consequence does not explore as many configurations given the same budget. We suggest using either aggressive or standard mode.

      • (optional) divisor: Specifies the fraction of trials to keep at each rung, and also determines how many steps are allocated at each rung. The default setting is 4; only advanced users should consider changing this value.

      • (optional) max_rungs: Specifies the maximum number of times we evaluate intermediate results for a trial and terminate poorly performing trials. The default value is 5; only advanced users should consider changing this value.

      • (optional) source_trial_id: If specified, the weights of every trial in the search will be initialized to the most recent checkpoint of the given trial ID. This will fail if the source trial’s model architecture is inconsistent with the model architecture of any of the trials in this experiment.

      • (optional) source_checkpoint_uuid: Like source_trial_id, but specifies an arbitrary checkpoint from which to initialize weights. Only one of source_trial_id or source_checkpoint_uuid should be set.

    • name: pbt: This search method uses population-based training, which maintains a population of active trials to train. After each trial has been trained for a certain number of steps, all the trials are validated. The searcher then closes some trials and replaces them with altered copies of other trials. This process makes up one “round”; the searcher runs some number of rounds to execute a complete search. The model definition class must be able to restore from a checkpoint that was created with a different set of hyperparameters; in particular, you will not be able to vary any hyperparameters that change the sizes of weight matrices without taking special steps to save or restore models.

      • metric: Specifies the name of the validation metric used to evaluate the performance of a hyperparameter configuration.

      • smaller_is_better: Specifies whether to minimize or maximize the metric defined above. The default value is true (minimize).

      • population_size: The number of trials (i.e., different hyperparameter configurations) to keep active at a time.

      • steps_per_round: The number of steps to train each trial between validations.

      • num_rounds: The total number of rounds to execute.

      • replace_function: Describes how to choose which trials to close and which trials to copy at the end of each round.

        • truncate_fraction: Defines truncation selection, in which the worst truncate_fraction (multiplied by the population size) trials, ranked by validation metric, are closed and the same number of top trials are copied.

      • explore_function: Describes how to alter a set of hyperparameters when a copy of a trial is made. Each parameter is either resampled (i.e., its value is chosen from the configured distribution) or perturbed (i.e., its value is computed based on the value in the original set).

        • resample_probability: The probability that a parameter is replaced with a new value sampled from the original distribution specified in the configuration.

        • perturb_factor: The amount by which parameters that are not resampled are perturbed. Each numerical hyperparameter is multiplied by either 1 + perturb_factor or 1 - perturb_factor with equal probability; categorical and const hyperparameters are left unchanged.

  • resources: Describes the resources Determined allows an experiment to use.

    • max_slots: Specifies the maximum number of scheduler slots that this experiment is allowed to use at any one time. The slot limit of an active experiment can be changed using det experiment set max-slots <id> <slots>.

    • weight: Specifies the weight of this experiment in the scheduler. When multiple experiments are running at the same time, the number of slots assigned to each one will be approximately proportional to its weight. The weight of an active experiment can be changed using det experiment set weight <id> <weight>.

    • slots_per_trial: Specifies the number of slots to use for each trial of this experiment. The default value is 1; specifying a value greater than 1 means that multiple GPUs will be used in parallel. Training on multiple GPUs is done using data parallelism. Configuring slots_per_trial to be greater than max_slots is not sensible and will result in an error.

    • shm_size: Specifies the size in bytes of the /dev/shm for trial containers. Defaults to 4294967296 (4GiB). If set, this value overrides the value specified in etc/agent.conf.

    • NOTE: Using slots_per_trial to enable data parallel training for PyTorch can alter the behavior of certain models, as described in the PyTorch documentation.

  • batches_per_step: Specifies the number of batches in a single training step. As discussed above, Determined divides the training of a single trial into a sequence of steps; each step corresponds to a certain number of model updates. Therefore, this configuration parameter can be used to control how long a trial is trained at a single agent:

    • Doing more work in a step allows per-step overheads (such as downloading training data) to be amortized over more training work. However, if the step size is too large, a single trial might be trained for a long time before Determined gets an opportunity to suspend training of that trial and replace it with a different workload.

    • The default value is 100. As a rule of thumb, the step size should be set so that training a single step takes 60–180 seconds.

    • NOTE: The step size is defined as a fixed number of batches; the size (number of records) in a batch is controlled by the global_batch_size hyperparameter in the experiment’s model definition.

  • bind_mounts: Specifies a collection of directories that are bind-mounted into the trial containers for this experiment. This can be used to allow trials to access additional data that is not contained in the trial-runner image. This field should consist of an array of entries. Note that users should ensure that the specified host paths are accessible on all agent hosts (e.g., by configuring a network file system appropriately).

    • host_path: (required) The file system path on each agent to use. Must be an absolute filepath.

    • container_path: (required) The file system path in the container to use. May be a relative filepath, in which case it will be mounted relative to the working directory inside the container. It is not allowed to mount directly into the working directory (i.e., container_path == ".") to reduce the risk of cluttering the host filesystem.

    • read_only: Whether the bind-mount should be a read-only mount. Defaults to false.

    • propagation: (Advanced users only) Optional propagation behavior for replicas of the bind-mount. Defaults to rprivate.

  • environment: Specifies the environment of the container that is used by the experiment for training the model. Default values are in bold.

    • image: Specifies a Docker image to use when executing the command. The image must be available via docker pull to every Determined agent host in the cluster. Users can customize environment variables for GPU vs. CPU agents differently by specifying a dict with two keys, cpu and gpu. Defaults to determinedai/environments:py-3.6.9-pytorch-1.4-tf-1.14-cpu for CPU agents and determinedai/environments:cuda-10-py-3.6.9-pytorch-1.4-tf-1.14-gpu for GPU agents.

    • force_pull_image: Forcibly pull the image from the Docker registry and bypass the Docker cache. Defaults to false.

    • registry_auth: Specifies the Docker registry credentials to use when pulling a custom base Docker image, if needed.

      • username (required)

      • password (required)

      • server (optional)

      • email (optional)

    • environment_variables: Specifies a list of environment variables for the trial runner. Each element of the list should be a string of the form NAME=VALUE. See Environment Variables for more details. Users can customize environment variables for GPU vs. CPU agents differently by specifying a dict with two keys, cpu and gpu.

  • reproducibility: Specifies configuration options related to reproducible experiments. This is an optional configuration field; see Reproducibility for more details.

    • experiment_seed: Specifies the random seed to be associated with the experiment. Must be an integer between 0 and 231 - 1. If an experiment_seed is not explicitly specified, the master will automatically generate an experiment seed.

  • max_restarts: Specifies the maximum number of times that a trial will be restarted due to an error. When this limit is reached, the experiment is marked as a failure and all remaining trials are checkpointed and closed. If an error occurs while a trial is running (e.g., a container crashes abruptly), the Determined master will automatically restart the trial and continue running it. This parameter specifies a limit on the number of times to try restarting a trial; this ensures that Determined does not go into an infinite loop if a trial encounters the same error repeatedly.

  • optimizations: Specifies configuration options related to improving performance.

    • aggregation_frequency: Specifies after how many batches gradients are exchanged during Distributed and Parallel Training. Defaults to 1.

    • average_aggregated_gradients: Specifies whether gradients accumulated across batches (when aggregation_frequency > 1) should be divided by the aggregation_frequency. Defaults to true.

    • average_training_metrics: For multi-GPU training, whether to average the training metrics across GPUs instead of only using metrics from the chief GPU. This impacts the metrics shown in the Determined UI and TensorBoard, but does not impact the outcome of training or hyperparameter search. This option is currently only supported in PyTorch. Defaults to false.

    • gradient_compression: Whether to compress gradients when they are exchanged during Distributed and Parallel Training. Compression may alter gradient values to achieve better space reduction. Defaults to false.

    • mixed_precision: Whether to use mixed precision training during Distributed and Parallel Training. Setting O1 enables mixed precision and loss scaling. Defaults to O0 which disables mixed precision training.

    • tensor_fusion_threshold: Specifies the threshold in MB for batching together gradients that are exchanged during Distributed and Parallel Training. Defaults to 64.

    • tensor_fusion_cycle_time: Specifies the delay between each tensor fusion in ms during Distributed and Parallel Training. Defaults to 5.

    • auto_tune_tensor_fusion: When enabled, configures tensor_fusion_threshold and tensor_fusion_cycle_time automatically. Defaults to false.