
Install Determined CLIΒΆ

Determined includes a command-line tool called det that ML developers can use to launch new workloads and interact with Determined.

Each ML developer that wants to use Determined should install a copy of the Determined CLI on their local development machine. The CLI can be installed via pip:

pip install determined-cli

We suggest installing the CLI into a virtualenv, although this is optional. To install the CLI into a virtualenv, first activate the virtualenv and then type the command above.

After the CLI has been installed, it should be configured to connect to the Determined master at the appropriate IP address. This can be accomplished by setting the DET_MASTER environment variable:

export DET_MASTER=<master IP>

You may want to place this into the appropriate configuration file for your login shell (e.g., .bashrc).

More information about using the Determined CLI can be found with the command det --help.