
Cluster Configuration

The behavior of the master and agent can be controlled by setting configuration variables; this can be done using a configuration file, environment variables, or command-line options. (Although values from different sources will be merged, we generally recommend sticking to a single source for each service to keep things simple.)

The master and the agent both accept an optional --config-file command-line option, which specifies the path of the configuration file to use. Note that when running the master or agent inside a container, you will need to make the configuration file accessible inside the container (e.g., via a bind mount). For example, this command starts the agent using a custom configuration file:

docker run \
  -v `pwd`/agent-config.yaml:/etc/determined/agent-config.yaml \
  --config-file /etc/determined/agent-config.yaml

Each option in the configuration file corresponds directly to an environment variable or command-line option. For example, the master configuration file might contain

  host: the-db-host

to configure the host where the PostgreSQL database is running. The same thing could be done by starting the master with the DET_DB_HOST=the-db-host environment variable or --db-host the-db-host command-line option.

The agent configuration file might contain

master_port: 8080

to configure the address of the Determined master.

In the rest of this document, we will refer to options using their names in the configuration file. Periods (.) will be used to indicate nested options; for example, the option above would be indicated by

Common Options

Master Port

By default, the master listens on TCP port 8080. This can be configured via the http_port option.


The master is capable of serving over HTTPS in addition to HTTP. Doing so requires a TLS private key and certificate; to configure them, set the options security.tls.cert and security.tls.key to paths to a PEM-encoded TLS certificate and private key, respectively. The https_port option determines the HTTPS listening port (default 8443).

Configuring Trial Runner Networking

The master is capable of selecting the network interface that trial runners will use to communicate when performing distributed (multi-machine) training. The network interface can be configured by editing the task_container_defaults.dtrain_network_interface. If left unspecified, which is the default setting, Determined will auto-discover a common network interface shared by the trial runners.


For Distributed Training, Determined automatically detects a common network interface shared by the agent machines. If your cluster has multiple common network interfaces, please specify the fastest one.

Additionally, the ports used by the GLOO and NCCL libraries, which are used during distributed (multi-machine) training can be configured to fall within user-defined ranges. If left unspecified, ports will be chosen randomly from the unprivileged port range (1024-65535).

Default Checkpoint Storage

See Checkpoint Storage Configuration for details.


By default, the master and WebUI collect anonymous information about how Determined is being used. This usage information is collected so that we can improve the design of the product. Determined does not report information that can be used to identify individual users of the product, nor does it include model source code, model architecture/checkpoints, training datasets, training and validation metrics, logs, or hyperparameter values.

The information we collect from the master periodically includes:

  • a unique, randomly generated ID for the current database and for the current instance of the master

  • the version of Determined

  • the version of Go that was used to compile the master

  • the number of registered users

  • the number of experiments that have been created

  • the total number of trials across all experiments

  • the number of active, paused, completed, and canceled experiments

We also record when the following events happen:

  • an experiment is created

  • an experiment’s state changes

  • an agent connects or disconnects

  • a user is created (the username is not transmitted)

When an experiment is created, we report:

  • the searcher and resources sections of the experiment config

  • the name of the container image used

  • the total number of hyperparameters

  • the value of the batches_per_step configuration setting

When an experiment terminates, we report:

  • the number of trials in the experiment

  • the total number of steps across all trials in the experiment

  • the total elapsed time for all steps across all trials in the experiment

The information we collect from the WebUI includes:

  • pages that are visited

  • errors that occur (both network errors and uncaught exceptions)

  • user-triggered actions

In order to disable telemetry reporting in both the master and the WebUI, start the master with the --telemetry-enabled=false flag (this can also be done by editing the master config file or setting an environment variable, as with any other configuration option). Disabling telemetry reporting will not affect the functionality of Determined in any way.

Master Configuration

The Determined master supports a range of configuration settings that can be set via a YAML configuration file, environment variables, or command-line options. The configuration file is normally located at /etc/determined/master.yaml on the master and is read when the master starts.

The configuration of an active master can be examined using the Determined CLI with the command det master config.

The master supports the following configuration settings:

  • scheduler: Specifies how Determined schedules tasks to agents.

    • fit: The scheduling policy to use when assigning tasks to agents in the cluster.

      • best: The best-fit policy ensures that tasks will be preferentially “packed” together on the smallest number of agents.

      • worst: The worst-fit policy ensures that tasks will be placed on under-utilized agents.

    • type: The scheduling policy to use when allocating resources between different tasks (experiments, notebooks, etc.).

      • fair_share: Tasks receive a proportional amount of the available resources depending on the resource they require and their weight.

      • priority: Tasks are scheduled in the order of the order in which they arrive at the cluster.

    • resource_provider: The resource provider to use to acquire agents.

      • type: default: The default resource provider includes static and dynamic agents.

  • task_container_defaults: Specifies Docker defaults for all task containers. A task represents a single schedulable unit, such as a trial, command, or tensorboard.

    • shm_size_bytes: The size (in bytes) of /dev/shm for Determined task containers. Defaults to 4294967296.

    • network_mode: The Docker network to use for the Determined task containers. If this is set to “host”, Docker host-mode networking will be used instead. Defaults to “bridge”.

    • dtrain_network_interface: The network interface to use during Distributed Training. If not set, Determined automatically determines the network interface.

      When training a model with multiple machines, the host network interface used by each machine must have the same interface name across machines. This is usually determined automatically, but there may be issues if there is an interface name common to all machines but it is not routable between machines. Determined already filters out common interfaces like lo and docker0, but agent machines may have others.

      If interface detection is not finding the appropriate interface, the dtrain_network_interface option can be used to set it explicitly (e.g., eth11).

    • nccl_port_range: The range of ports that nccl is permitted to use during distributed training. A valid port range is in the format of MIN:MAX.

    • gloo_port_range: The range of ports that gloo is permitted to use during distributed training. A valid port range is in the format of MIN:MAX.

  • root: Specifies the root directory of the state files. Defaults to /usr/share/determined/master.

  • provisioner: Specifies the configuration of dynamic agents.

    • master_url: The full URL of the master. A valid URL is in the format of scheme://host:port. The scheme must be either http or https. If the master is deployed on EC2, rather than hardcoding the IP address, we advise you use one of the following to set the host as an alias: local-ipv4, public-ipv4, local-hostname, or public-hostname. If the master is deployed on GCP, rather than hardcoding the IP address, we advise you use one of the following to set the host as an alias: internal-ip orexternal-ip. Which one you should select is based on your network configuration. On master startup, we will replace the above alias host with its real value. Defaults to http as scheme, local IP address as host, and 8080 as port.

    • startup_script: One or more shell commands that will be run during agent instance start up. These commands are executed as root as soon as the agent cloud instance has started and before the Determined agent container on the instance is launched. For example, this feature can be used to mount a distributed file system or make changes to the agent instance’s configuration. The default value is the empty string. It may be helpful to use the YAML | syntax to specify a multi-line string. For example,

      startup_script: |
                      mkdir -p /mnt/disks/second
                      mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/disks/second
    • container_startup_script: One or more shell commands that will be run when the Determined agent container is started. These commands are executed inside the agent container but before the Determined agent itself is launched. For example, this feature can be used to configure Docker so that the agent can pull task images from GCR securely (see this example for more details). The default value is the empty string.

    • agent_docker_network: The Docker network to use for the Determined agent and task containers. If this is set to “host”, Docker host-mode networking will be used instead. The default value is “determined”.

    • agent_docker_runtime: The Docker runtime to use for the Determined agent and task containers. Defaults to runc.

    • agent_docker_image: The Docker image to use for the Determined agents. A valid form is determinedai/determined-agent:<version>. (Required)

    • max_idle_agent_period: How long to wait before terminating idle dynamic agents. This string is a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “30s”, “1h”, or “1m30s”. Valid time units are “s”, “m”, “h”. The default value is 5m.

    • max_agent_starting_period: How long to wait for agents starting before retrying. This string is a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “30s”, “1h”, or “1m30s”. Valid time units are “s”, “m”, “h”. The default value is 5m.

    • provider: aws: Specifies running dynamic agents on AWS. (Required)

      • region: The region of the AWS resources used by Determined. We advise setting this region to be the same region as the Determined master for better network performance. Defaults to the same region as the master.

      • root_volume_size: Size of the root volume of the Determined agent in GB. We recommend at least 100GB. Defaults to 200.

      • image_id: The AMI ID of the Determined agent. (Required)

      • tag_key: Key for tagging the Determined agent instances. Defaults to managed-by.

      • tag_value: Value for tagging the Determined agent instances. Defaults to the master instance ID if the master is on EC2, otherwise determined-ai-determined.

      • instance_name: Name to set for the Determined agent instances. Defaults to determined-ai-agent.

      • ssh_key_name: The name of the SSH key registered with AWS for SSH key access to the agent instances. (Required)

      • iam_instance_profile_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM instance profile to attach to the agent instances.

      • network_interface: Network interface to set for the Determined agent instances.

        • public_ip: Whether to use public IP addresses for the Determined agents. See Network Requirements for instruction on whether an external IP should be used. Defaults to false.

        • security_group_id: The ID of the security group to run the Determined agents as. This is the one you identified or created in Network Requirements. Defaults to the default security group of the specified VPC.

        • subnet_id: The ID of the subnet to run the Determined agents in. Defaults to the default subnet of the default VPC.

      • max_instances: Max number of Determined agent instances. Defaults to 5.

      • instance_type: Type of instance for the Determined agents. We only support P3 and P2 type instances. Defaults to p3.8xlarge.

    • provider: gcp: Specifies running dynamic agents on GCP. (Required)

      • base_config: Instance resource base configuration that will be merged with the fields below to construct GCP inserting instance request. See REST Resource: instances for details.

      • project: The project ID of the GCP resources used by Determined. Defaults to the project of the master.

      • zone: The zone of the GCP resources used by Determined. Defaults to the zone of the master.

      • boot_disk_size: Size of the root volume of the Determined agent in GB. We recommend at least 100GB. Defaults to 200.

      • boot_disk_source_image: The boot disk source image of the Determined agent that was shared with you. To use a specific version of the Determined agent image from a specific project, it should be set in the format: projects/<project-id>/global/images/<image-id>. (Required)

      • label_key: Key for labeling the Determined agent instances. Defaults to managed-by.

      • label_value: Value for labeling the Determined agent instances. Defaults to the master instance name if the master is on GCP otherwise determined-ai-determined.

      • name_prefix: Name prefix to set for the Determined agent instances. The names of the Determined agent instances are a concatenation of the name prefix and a pet name. Defaults to the master instance name if the master is on GCP otherwise determined-ai-determined.

      • network_interface: Network configuration for the Determined agent instances. See the GCP API Access section for the suggested configuration. (Required)

        • network: Network resource for the Determined agent instances. The network configuration should specify the project ID of the network. It should be set in the format: projects/<project>/global/networks/<network>. (Required)

        • subnetwork: Subnetwork resource for the Determined agent instances. The subnet configuration should specify the project ID and the region of the subnetwork. It should be set in the format: projects/<project>/regions/<region>/subnetworks/<subnetwork>. (Required)

        • external_ip: Flag to using external IP address for the Determined agent instances. See Network Requirements for instructions on whether an external IP should be set. Defaults to false.

      • network_tags: An array of network tags to set firewalls for the Determined agent instances. This is the one you identified or created in Firewall Rules. Defaults to be an empty array.

      • service_account: Service account for the Determined agent instances. See the GCP API Access section for suggested configuration.

        • email: Email of the service account for the Determined agent instances. Defaults to the empty string.

        • scopes: List of scopes authorized for the Determined agent instances. As suggested in GCP API Access, we recommend you set the scopes to [""]. Defaults to [""].

      • instance_type: Type of instance for the Determined agents.

        • machine_type: Type of machine for the Determined agents. Defaults to n1-standard-32.

        • gpu_type: Type of GPU for the Determined agents. Defaults to nvidia-tesla-v100.

        • gpu_num: Number of GPUs for the Determined agents. Defaults to 4.

        • preemptible: Whether to use preemptible instances. Defaults to false.

      • max_instances: Max number of Determined agent instances. Defaults to 5.

      • operation_timeout_period: The timeout period for tracking a GCP operation. This string is a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “30s”, “1h”, or “1m30s”. Valid time units are “s”, “m”, “h”. The default value is 5m.

  • checkpoint_storage: Specifies where model checkpoints will be stored. This can be overridden on a per-experiment basis in the Experiment Configuration. A checkpoint contains the architecture and weights of the model being trained. Determined currently supports four kinds of checkpoint storage, gcs, hdfs, s3, and shared_fs, identified by the type subfield.

    • type: gcs: Checkpoints are stored on Google Cloud Storage (GCS). Authentication is done using GCP’s “Application Default Credentials” approach. When using Determined inside Google Compute Engine (GCE), the simplest approach is to ensure that the VMs used by Determined are running in a service account that has the “Storage Object Admin” role on the GCS bucket being used for checkpoints. As an alternative (or when running outside of GCE), you can add the appropriate service account credentials to your container (e.g., via a bind-mount), and then set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the container path where the credentials are located. See Environment Variables for more information on how to set environment variables in trial environments.

      • bucket: The GCS bucket name to use.

    • type: hdfs: Checkpoints are stored in HDFS using the WebHDFS API for reading and writing checkpoint resources.

      • hdfs_url: Hostname or IP address of HDFS namenode, prefixed with protocol, followed by WebHDFS port on namenode. Multiple namenodes are allowed as a semicolon-separated list (e.g., "http://namenode1:50070;http://namenode2:50070").

      • hdfs_path: The prefix path where all checkpoints will be written to and read from. The resources of each checkpoint will be saved in a subdirectory of hdfs_path, where the subdirectory name is the checkpoint’s UUID.

      • user: An optional string value that indicates the user to use for all read and write requests. If left unspecified, the default user of the trial runner container will be used.

    • type: s3: Checkpoints are stored in Amazon S3.

      • bucket: The S3 bucket name to use.

      • access_key: The AWS access key to use.

      • secret_key: The AWS secret key to use.

      • endpoint_url: The optional endpoint to use for S3 clones, e.g.,

    • type: shared_fs: Checkpoints are written to a directory on the agent’s file system. The assumption is that the system administrator has arranged for the same directory to be mounted at every agent host, and for the content of this directory to be the same on all agent hosts (e.g., by using a distributed or network file system such as GlusterFS or NFS).

      • host_path: The file system path on each agent to use. This directory will be mounted to /determined_shared_fs inside the trial container.

      • storage_path: The optional path where checkpoints will be written to and read from. Must be a subdirectory of the host_path or an absolute path containing the host_path. If unset, checkpoints are written to and read from the host_path.

      • propagation: (Advanced users only) Optional propagation behavior for replicas of the bind-mount. Defaults to rprivate.

    • When an experiment finishes, the system will optionally delete some checkpoints to reclaim space. The save_experiment_best, save_trial_best and save_trial_latest parameters specify which checkpoints to save. See Checkpoint Garbage Collection for more details.

  • db: Specifies the configuration of the database.

    • user: The database user to use when logging in the database. (Required)

    • password: The password to use when logging in the database. (Required)

    • host: The database host to use. (Required)

    • port: The database port to use. (Required)

    • name: The database name to use. (Required)

  • telemetry: Specifies whether we collect anonymous information about the usage of Determined.

    • enabled: Whether collection is enabled. Defaults to true.

Agent Configuration

  • master_host (required): The hostname or IP address of the Determined master.

  • master_port (required): The port of the Determined master.

  • agent_id: The ID of this agent; defaults to the hostname of the current machine. Agent IDs must be unique within a cluster.

  • label: An agent with a label will only be assigned workloads that have been assigned the same label.

  • visible_gpus: The GPUs that should be exposed as slots by the agent. A comma-separated list of GPUs, each specified by a 0-based index, UUID, PCI bus ID, or board serial number. The 0-based index of NVIDIA GPUs can be obtained via the nvidia-smi command.